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Author Topic: Buddy wants to match DangerZone HPH  (Read 1141 times)


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Buddy wants to match DangerZone HPH
« on: April 03, 2006, 04:21:31 AM »
Need help on layout for a friend that bought a WarpZone to create same hook as his old reliable HPH. He has tried a scorchin drilled stacked and oob and feels it doesn't hook compared to his HPH. Evidently the Brunswick booth at the nationals sold him a Warp to bring home to be punched that they felt would be closer than the Scorchin. The DZ Pro active HPH is drilled label leverage at 2 oclock and is kept scuffed with green scotchbrite. Pin is below and right of ring 1" and right of span line 1 1/4". CG is dead center of grip center (4 5/8x 4 3/4 span). PAP appears to be 5 over and 0. I say this because he has a Morich WMB he hates that shows a PAP of 5 7/8 over and 1 1/4 up that doesn't hook and clips the thumb hole. If PAP is indeed 5 x 0 as it is easily mapped on his HPH, then PIN to PAP is 3 3/4 x 4 7/8(cg) with pin 1 1/2 above mid line.

   He is late fifties, throws average speed with decent revs, 275ish, and has good form and can repeat shots well. 208 average. He wants it drilled the same as his HPH, but I told him we can't because then the PSA would be way left of thumb if we use label leverage. They didn't give him a layout at the nationals booth. He likes a steady continuous hook and as much as he can get. I do realize that this assy will be different than his sym, but couldn't get him to grasp this concept too well.

     The new Warp Zone has a 2" pin and the cg is off to the right of the pin to psa line 5/8". My suggestion on layout would be pin right of ring either 3 3/8" or max of 4"PIN to PAP and above midline 2 1/4" and PSA right of thumb center 2". Due to location of CG a weight hole on VAL on a line from grip center through CG to make legal.

   The only scare with this is the similar drill on the WMB that seems to change his PAP and he hates. PIN to PAP 3 7/8" x 6"(mb) with pin in exact position as his HPH below and right of ring and the MB ends up 3" below and 1" right of thumb center.The CG on this ball must be drilled out with a weight hole 11/16 x 3" deep hole angled toward the PAP at 3/4 right pitch. This ball does not hook even when scuffed and I do not want him to clip the thumb on his Warp like he does on this one. But maybe the Morich reverse flares on him as the pin seems too low as well as the MB so low?

   Please help with a layout as this guy has been trying several balls now trying to get a look like his old HPH.   thanks, Al



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Re: Buddy wants to match DangerZone HPH
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 03:21:28 PM »
Help please...Brunsnick....JohnP.....others....I know the question was a long one but I want to help this Brunswick bowler if I / we can...thanks, Al


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Re: Buddy wants to match DangerZone HPH
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 03:56:17 PM »
The WMB has a very poor drilling for his slightly lower rev rate.  Please read big b's directions on psa in track drillings.  

The strike should be similar.  Put the pin in the same position, with the psa 4" from the pap.  That should make the ball stand up alittle earlier with a strong continuous motion through the backend.


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