Guys, I have personally seen Loud's Smoking and there is no way that ball will handle drier conditions ever. A couple months ago, the lane machine went wild and put down a very long fairly heavy pattern and I observed that everybody's balls were not even losing rotation by the backend including me (but I'm a low tracker lol). But his SI, while it's drilled pretty strong, revved up smoothly in the midlane, went to about 45-50 feet and then made a strong arc. I mean that ball was getting into a roll (probably due to Loud's style and game) while everybody else had trouble getting the ball to wrinkle. So I think the SI is out of the question. For me, with my low track and lower rev rate, could probably use the SI on light to dry conditions with the right drilling and cover prep but not him.
Sam, my advice, dry lanes force many people out of their A-games especially those with higher tracks and revrates. Myself, I'm not as affected by them as you are. Point is, everybody has to make BIG adjustments on dry lanes if your not throwing plastic. In Slatebelt, getting deeper is not the answer in most cases on a reverse block with dry middle and semi-oily outsides. Next time I bowl with you (which wont' be for a while lol), you'll have to experiment with some new releases, etc. But I do agree, you need a dry lane ball, so go ahead and decide. But if you can make a big release change, you can stay with stronger balls longer and not worry about losing carry when switching to weaker multiple piece cores.
Only One More Ball I Promise