Well I finally decided on a layout for 3.5 number 2. I ended up drilling it 65 x 6 x 40 with no weight hole. I was hoping it would compliment my pin down 3.5 and it does just that. Tonight in league I started out with a pocket ten pin and then off the sheet for 290, then half way through game 2 my pin down 3.5 started burning up in the mids so I switched to the new pin up 3.5 and finished the game with a 236. And the new 3.5 continued to annihilate the pins every shot in the third game for 300 giving me a set of 826! that makes it 6 honor scores in a month with the new releases! Keep up the great work Big B!
Jordan Harrison
Strike Zone Pro Shops
Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.