I got a ball in tonight from a staff player that i have with my shop at they won a brunswick nemesis at a tournament.
I thought ok great this will be easy to sell for them or it's an easy trade in for us. i checked the boxes' specs and it said 15lbs 6 oz. my first thoughts were, that's odd. I have yet to see a Brunswick ball heaiver than 5 oz over the pound listed. on over 100 or more different brunswick balls. It's not unusual for us to see target zones or power grooves and they say 11 lbs 15 oz just slightly under there supposed weight.
but the thing that i noticed as well was the ball, has no bar code which many of the other boxes did have. and it had the letters i think LMK beside the ball's description.
I didn't have time to pull out a nemesis box from our own inventory to compare the two but this seems strange to me.
I will take pics of the box tomorrow and post them. the balls looks like any other i have seen.
Anybody such as BrunsNick, Rob, Or Bob, Or Pro
I don't know if this any sort of second or blem, i have never seen a brunswick labelled second. lol i know they must exisit because everyother company has seconds or blems.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Montreal, Quebec.
Edited on 2/23/2005 11:52 PM