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Author Topic: anyone remember the Danger Zone - Red Alert Night Flash Special edition Pearlized ball?  (Read 2835 times)


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Just curious, this is probably THE ball that has made me brunswick loyal again...I bought it ~7 or 8 years ago, and this thing has rolled perfect for me FOREVER... still hits like a ton of bricks, and I can play ever line with it...

I need SOMETHING newer/similar...UNLESS someone knows where there's a surplus of old brunswicks?  This one is plugged/redrilled, so while it's okay for ABC comp, if I ever decide to do some regionals it's no good, and it's a big part of my arsenal...thanks.
Carry the 8.  be a good lefty.



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Why is it no good at regionals my friend used plugged balls all the time in regionals.  I was under the impression no good for national tour stops but regionals plugged balls are ok.  Did they change the rule?
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
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Plugged bowling balls are okay for use in all PBA Regional and Senior Tour events.

I also had a NightFlash, along with the original Red Alert.  I remember the original outhooking everything I owned, but the carry was poor.  The NightFlash, however, was an awesome ball.  Outstanding carry, was great for me on broken-down conditions.  It was just a little sooner (in terms of hook) than my Battle Zone Cannon, another great Brunswick dry-lane creation (and people -ignorantly- say that Brunswick makes only early-rolling equipment!)

As far as finding one...I can't help you there.  In terms of newer equipment, try a Zone Classic.  Carry is OUTSTANDING with that ball, and the overall motion of mine reminds me of my old NightFlash.
Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member