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Author Topic: thank you...tom tomaras !  (Read 5023 times)


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thank you...tom tomaras !
« on: March 06, 2004, 07:30:09 AM »
i would like to publicly thank tom tomaras and the entire r&d staff at brunswick for all their help over the past several years. these guys have helped me with everything from ball selection, drilling suggestions, coverstock preparation, and ball maintenence. most recently, tom gave me some advice that really paid off tonight. he recommended heating out the oil of my inferno with a blow dryer in a cardboard box and it really made a noticeable difference. after wetsanding the ball down to 600 grit i placed the ball in the box for 10 minutes and wiped off the oil with windex and paper towels. i repeated this process for three(3) cycles until no noticeable about of oil remained. i then thouroughly cleaned the ball one last time with windex and wetsanded the ball 800 and then finally 1,000 grit. i have not seen this much reaction in my inferno in quite a while---and this ball was purchased last year at this time. tonight i shot 786( 259, 258, 269 )playing a down and in shot around 7-8. i plan on trying this method of oil extraction on my raging inferno and monster slayR when it's needed but until then thank you tom and the r&d staff at brunswick.



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Re: thank you...tom tomaras !
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2004, 12:23:29 PM »
Wells -- I'm glad you reappeared:
And Steve, the part about slinging insults was directed at your crass attitude towards Greg's post about the Dexter shoes. I think he only threw that in there to further emphasize his "luck" with bowling equipment.

Yes, I displayed a "crass" attitude toward Greg's Dexter shoes analogy. This goes back to another thread where a poster was complaining about Dexter shoe durability, but Greg essentially dismissed the described problems because   he personally didn't experience them. This displayed a total lack (and on-going pattern) of critical thought. I too am a fan of Dexters, but I understand that a percentage of bowlers have problems because of their anatomy and the way they slide. Greg took that same tunnel thinking into this topic. Because his one time experiment with heat didn't appear to cause damage, he was unwilling to at least entertain the notion that their might be a real problem with the method. Regardless, in Greg's eyes (as always), if Brunswick says it, it must be true. It's this never changing attitude that gets under my (and other's) skin. It's a fantasy mentality, but what a nice neat world to live in!

Also, when was the last time you noticed an aggressive coverstock that didn't seem to "lose and edge" after a year, or a certain amount of games. I think I've yet to see one last a year in the hands of someone who bowls more than once a week regardless of the ball company or how maintained the cover is kept. Atleast this has been my experience.

I'm really glad you brought this up, because I'm a firm believer that a properly maintained ball, aggressive coverstock or not, will last longer that most believe. My most recent sanctioned 300 (last week) was with a three year old Track Silencer that's logged 429 games (and before you ask, I keep a detailed spreadsheet of all games thrown on all my equipment, so I'm not guessing). I'm not a heavy handed guy, so I'm sensitive to when a ball loses anything significant -- and this Silencer is fairly close to NIB reaction.

And the methods for keeping equipment going isn't all that hard. I wipe the balls with an oil free towel between shots; at the end of the night, I thoroughly clean them with a real degreasing agent before packing up; and every 30-50 games or so, I'll deep clean and refresh the covers on the spinner using scotch-brite, and re-polish as necessary.

The result is that everything I've purchased over the past 3 years is still in the bag and going strong. I know at some point they'll lose effectiveness, but it hasn't happened yet.

The problem is that most bowlers don't attempt to do even the most basic preventative measures, and then have to resort to heat as a last ditch effort. Bowlers for the most part are lazy when it comes to their equipment, and the results show. Of course, Greg would adopt these 'safe and sane' methods in a heartbeat if Brunswick overtly blessed them. But he really won't make any progress as a thinking human being until he adopts techniques because they're clearly superior instead of waiting for "Big B" permission to act.

Enough ranting. I know I'm hijacking your post ending line, but 'nuff sed.  

"You want the truth? -- You can't handle the truth! "

Edited on 3/16/2004 5:00 PM


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Re: thank you...tom tomaras !
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2004, 11:19:41 PM »
Greg T, you're hopeless, lol.  My reply to your "sarcasm" was obviously nothing more than.....SHEER SARCASM !