I know what you are saying, because it does seem to the casual eye, that Brunswick may be losing it trademark appeal, but in reality, they are more at tweaking cores (raising RG's, lowering diffs) to match the stronger, more responsive covers.
The 3 new balls, TFD, MZ & AS are more responsive to friction, down lane, but still have the midlane reaction. What I have seen are they are more continual when they do see friction. Brunswick characteristic has tended to be more of a slower, longer response to friction, known more as a roll-out type look, due to an earlier, smoother reaction in the mids.
Now, to me, they seem to be a bit cleaner ( a couple of feet) before responding, but still read the mids (later) and more continual in the back ends. They do appear to have a slightly non-Brunswick look, but to me, it is more a combination of what makes Brunswick appealing, good mid lane resposnse but now more continual, which I think on softer, higher friction lane surfaces, such as HPL's, tended to be earlier reacting, less in the back, do not see that. They are still manageable with surface, which is always been a plus with Brunswick covers, to control response front to back.
I would not be put off by what you see, I think they are a good compliment to the rest of the Brunswick line-up. Just something a little different.
Formerly BrunsRico