I'm sick of Storm. I've had the same common problem with all of the stuff I've drilled lately. Nothing revs up or is consistent. Even my new Super Charge is giving me problems (it's flaring out though, hopefully I can fix that). I absolutely love my CZ Red Pin, it rolls right back up. It doesn't hook a whole lot, but I never have a problem with it either not hooking or jumping, there's always a line with it somewhere.
To the big B gurus, I need a strong pearl and a solid (the Strike Zone that I should have gotten instead of the Vertigo . . and now the Super Charge . .) and a couple drill patterns. I've recently grown a few more revs, and I need something I can play a little further left with that's going to actually hook. I'm still having problems because I have to throw everything so slow. So now I'd say my speed is about 17 or 17.5, and I'm probably at 350 revs. My PAP is 5 3/4ths over and 3/4ths up. I liked my Strike Zone, and I had it stacked with a weighthole on my PAP. Hooked a ton, and rolled up at the breakpoint unbelievably. I liked my Smokin, but I had it drilled too weak. I might go with the Ambush for one pearl (even though it's particle pearl, B makes the best particle stuff period, and I like a smoother reaction) and then I need a strong pearl with more of a skid/hard arc.
The drillings that I most commonly go with are either stacked (they end up being about 4x3) or pin over bridge, cg out. The drilling on my CZ is pin over ring, and I drilled the thumbhole right on top of the PSA. All I need is something that's going to roll back up. I'm currently lacking money (going to school, had to take a couple days a week off), but I'll probably use league payouts to get a ball or two in a couple months, and we have mens state at our house this year, so maybe I'll get a bonus ball or two from the boss at the shop if we do well enough. Anything would be appreciated, thanks!
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!