Drilled out a new C-System 2.5 ( and a Columbia Freeze, too...I know, wrong forum) this evening. Starting ball specs were 3.5" pin, 2.6 oz. TW, 15.6 pounds. After a little mind-melding to figure out how to drill Big B's next ball that can accurately measure up to the Original Inferno, we (former USBC ball guru and current mild-mannered Waukesha, Wisconsin resident, Paul Ridenhour) drilled it 40x3x40 with a coat of PowerHouse polish on top of 2000 abralon. No fourth hole as of yet to determine how much I like the reaction. Several options are in the bull pen if need be. I'll place my head immediately into the lion's mouth with city tournament this Saturday and I hope to have a vid of the ball in action from the day's events to show you sometime next week. BTW, when someone asks you for three or four people to help move an Innovative Drill Press, heed their wishes. Wow, is that bad boy a beast!
Return with your shield or on it. Strength and honor. Help control the population of Avenging Unicorns. Arm yourselves accordingly. MTIXE
"I''d give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo