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Author Topic: The Fury has me baffled.............  (Read 3036 times)


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The Fury has me baffled.............
« on: May 21, 2007, 04:06:35 AM »
I have a recently drilled up Fury that I've only been able to throw a few times. Ball is drilled 4 x 4, pin slightly below ring, with an x-hole in the thumb quadrant. Current cover prep is 500 grit abralon, no polish. In the two times I threw it, condition was a fresh THS with clean backends. The ball reacted very well (nice backend), but on this condition almost everything reacts great, so I wasn't sure what to think.

Well, this last weekend we had our league rolloff. This is the one of the few times they lay down a heavier, flatter, and longer pattern. There was actually an out of bounds to the right of the 6 board -- what a concept!!

I was anxious to try out the Fury, so it was the first ball I pulled out during practice. Well, I started by going straight up the 8 board, and to my suprise, the ball skidded past well past the transition to the drier backend. I hit flush on the 3 pin. Two more shots resulted in the same hit. The ball was not burning up, it just didn't seem to read the friction the way I expected. I then took out my new OOB surface solid Uranium (4 x 3.5), threw the same line, and the ball grabbed where I thought it should, making it back to the pocket.

This isn't so much about the Uranium as it is about the Fury. What is it about this ball? It's the touchiest piece of equipment Ive seen on the lanes in a long time.

I'm going to play with the cover to see if I can find where I can use it with confidence. Right now I'm perplexed, and logic tells me it should have more versatility than I'm seeing.  

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Re: The Fury has me baffled.............
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2007, 12:16:57 PM »
I know what you mean, I have 2 Fury's (or should I say had), this is most drill sensitive ball I have ever seen. For me, I need clean backends or a huge track to get this ball to read the lane properly. I had one Fury with 1000 abralon w/ ruff buff, and the other 800 with Ebonite extender.

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Re: The Fury has me baffled.............
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2007, 12:37:34 PM »
Its been my last 4 Brunswick balls and the common denominator seems to be the Octane coverstock. This only further cements my thought that Activator is/was the best coverstock ever created.

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Re: The Fury has me baffled.............
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2007, 02:17:40 PM »
I am pretty sure Steven knows what he's doing.
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Re: The Fury has me baffled.............
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2007, 03:04:59 PM »
I have mine with a 5.5 X 4.5 layout (pin above the fingers) and an x-hole 3.5 down my VAL from my PAP.  For me, even this layout with a 2000 grit surface is incredibly strong.  When I first drilled up the ball, I played around with surface some (using abralon pads).  When I took it down to 1000 grit, I had a bad reaction.  It appeared as though the ball was trying to hook (came back with lots of flare rings/oil), but just didn't have anything on the backend.  And some of my "supposedly" weaker equipment was I knew I went too far.  When I took it back to the 2000 grit pad, the backend reaction was restored.  
Now I'm sure that I bowl on less oil than most everyone else, so this may not be the case for you... but it might be worth giving it a shot.  500 grit is a whole aweful lot of surface.  

Good luck.. I'm interested in hearing how this one turns out.

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Re: The Fury has me baffled.............
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2007, 06:21:53 PM »
Thanks to everyone for their comments. I should have had the ball in front of me to be more precise in making a post; my bad. First of all, my PAP is 5.75". The ball has a 3.25" pin, and the pin is just slightly below and slightly to the right of the ring. The drill is closer to 4.25 x 4.25.

I'm a ball junkie, and probably have experimented with the majority of routine drill patterns. I have everything from pin on center grip (above and below the fingers), to stacked leverage (3 3/8 x 3 3/8). Each tends to produce a predictable hook shape (assuming right cover to surface match), so based on RG, I usually have a good idea of what to expect before having a ball drilled up.  

While the drill on the Fury (4.25 x 4.25) is on the aggressive side, it's not as unstable as a pure stacked leverage. I purposely set this ball up similar to my Super Carbide Bomb, which rolls very predictable and strong on heavier patterns. I was hoping to duplicate that reaction with the Fury on slightly less volume.

As I mentioned earlier, The ball had no problem turning the corner on a fresh THS with clean backends. Under that condition, I shot a 258 my first practice game out. It was on the longer flatter pattern where the Fury didn't seem to read the friction predictably further down the lane. The ball seemed to be rolling well, and the flare rings looked fine. It just didn't move when it should have. At least where my Uranium and SCB did.

Per some of Strapper's comments, I'll play with the cover. I'll try 1000 grit Abralon and see if that makes any difference. Maybe even 2000. I know 500 is aggressive, so maybe there is an issue there. I guess what's perplexing is that I've never had anything that's potential this touchy. Frankly, Pin-to-PAP of 4", 4.25", or 4.5" shouldn't make that much difference, to the point of being able to turn the corner or not. At least not in my experience. Maybe this Octane coverstock is a different animal. We'll see.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"

Edited on 5/21/2007 6:35 PM


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Re: The Fury has me baffled.............
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2007, 07:35:26 PM »
absolutebowling: Thanks for your input.

I agree that the x-hole is not ideal. This ball was given to me by a Regional player who just didn't like the reaction -- not enough recovery on the backend for the PBA patterns he was looking to use it on. Since he got the ball for free, he just gave it to me. He had the PIN above and to the left of the middle finger, with CG in the center grip. I don't have near his hand, so we decided on a redrill. With the 4.25 x 4.25, we were able to keep the existing thumb and x-hole intact. I didn't wan't to overly mess with core dynamics with too many plugs. All I needed were new fingers, and there is no flare over the minor finger plugs. Unfortunately, the x-hole is lower than I would have set up from scratch, but I figured it should not be an overly defining issue.

I'm not sure why you feel 4.25 x 4.25 is too strong for a heavier condition. As I mentioned, I've had no problem with a SCB set up the same way. As far as a weaker Fury, I had considered buying my driller's slightly used one with only a few games on it. It was set up with the pin on the center grip line below the fingers, cg kicked to the right, x-hole on PAP (one of my favorite drills). Since our specs are almost identical, I rolled a few games with it and was less than impressed. It moved some, but was almost a guaranteed 10 pin with anything but a flush hit.

Anyway, I'll play with the cover (2000-4000) to see if it's salvagable. I'm hoping there will be some combination of cover and condition that will make it usable on something other than a fresh THS.
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Re: The Fury has me baffled.............
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2007, 01:42:12 PM »
that happend to my total with the same lay out. was just too strong so i hit it with 320 then if its still doin it go up step by to the next polish.
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