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Author Topic: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?  (Read 5378 times)


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Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« on: February 28, 2010, 06:48:23 AM »
Looking for a new ball, as the last one I have is a black ice zone from abour 8+ yrs ago.. I havent bowled with it a ton, but when I get a new ball I just dont want it to be  a new version of what i have.. So I want something that hooks /arcs alot more, but maybe not quite a 3.5 aggression



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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2010, 02:54:52 PM »
Python....or Rattler
Formerly BrunsRico
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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2010, 03:44:47 PM »
gotcha.. Just knew the Zone was a model and it was a black ice..  It was a great ball, still is, but it obviously doesnt have the technology of the new ones, but Yet I can still rev it enough to come back from the 13 on house oil


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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2010, 07:17:59 PM »
I dont want to jump on anyones threads anymore, so im just gonna go out on my own..  Last ball i had was a danger zone black ice and an AMF XS, yea lol, its been a while//

Well In reading through these threads Im beginning to think I dont need as aggressive of a ball as I might have earlier like the 3.5s missions, evil sieges, jigsaw hammers etc

 But now Im thinking I might just want to get a cheaper mid level ball save some $$ for now, And use this new ball to use as a comparison, instead of a 12 + yr old ball..  Who knows maybe a mid level is all I need.?  

But for the mid levels ive been checking out the Hammer black widow venom, wild thing, Bedlem,  reign, reign of fire, Hyroad etc..

What do you guys think im pretty stumped right now

Edited on 2/28/2010 8:18 PM


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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2010, 07:49:13 PM »
I dont think i would go with any of those following a Zone Black Ice and XS.

I'd say look more towards the Hammer Vibe series, Columbia Freeze, Brunswick's Avalanche series, Storm's Hot line(Fast/Furious), or Roto Grips' Planet/Shield line (Dark Star/Riot)
My Arsenal:
Rogue Cell (coming soon)
Bounty(4.5 x 4.75 Fresh 1000 Abralon)
Twisted Fury(5 x 4 500 Abralon + Reacta Shine)
Blue Vibe(5 x 5 4000 Abralon + Reacta Shine)


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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2010, 08:12:26 PM »
I dont think i would go with any of those following a Zone Black Ice and XS.

I'd say look more towards the Hammer Vibe series, Columbia Freeze, Brunswick's Avalanche series, Storm's Hot line(Fast/Furious), or Roto Grips' Planet/Shield line (Dark Star/Riot)
My Arsenal:
Rogue Cell (coming soon)
Bounty(4.5 x 4.75 Fresh 1000 Abralon)
Twisted Fury(5 x 4 500 Abralon + Reacta Shine)
Blue Vibe(5 x 5 4000 Abralon + Reacta Shine)

Why such a low end ball?  Is it just cuz im so used to cranking my older balls , I would be putting to much rev or spin on the newer balls? Cuz I do want something nice, but my buddies freeze is a little to tame for me, So thats why I was looking for a mid/hi level, instead of a heavy cranker like a 3.5


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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2010, 08:22:48 PM »
I dont think i would go with any of those following a Zone Black Ice and XS.

I''d say look more towards the Hammer Vibe series, Columbia Freeze, Brunswick''s Avalanche series, Storm''s Hot line(Fast/Furious), or Roto Grips'' Planet/Shield line (Dark Star/Riot)
My Arsenal:
Rogue Cell (coming soon)
Bounty(4.5 x 4.75 Fresh 1000 Abralon)
Twisted Fury(5 x 4 500 Abralon + Reacta Shine)
Blue Vibe(5 x 5 4000 Abralon + Reacta Shine)

Why such a low end ball?  Is it just cuz im so used to cranking my older balls , I would be putting to much rev or spin on the newer balls? Cuz I do want something nice, but my buddies freeze is a little to tame for me, So thats why I was looking for a mid/hi level, instead of a heavy cranker like a 3.5

Well, we have no clue how you throw or what condition you bowl on. Dont put what i suggested on the low end, they are very underrated pieces and give alot of bang for your buck
My Arsenal:
Rogue Cell (coming soon)
Bounty(4.5 x 4.75 Fresh 1000 Abralon)
Twisted Fury(5 x 4 500 Abralon + Reacta Shine)
Blue Vibe(5 x 5 4000 Abralon + Reacta Shine)

Edited on 2/28/2010 9:22 PM


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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2010, 08:35:24 PM »
hmm Yea ill check them out.. I didnt mean low end, Just well below the performance level i originally looked at.. I have a ball speed of 16-16.5, around 330-340 rev , usually stand around the 25 board and throw out to the 12 or so.. Mostly our lanes just have a standard house pattern, 35' i believe .. So what are you guys saying would happen if i got a wild thing, or a 3.5 in comparison to the cheaper ones?  I know its really based on oil  , and If I had to go to my back up ball ( which is going to be my black ice re polished )  for the 3rd game that would be fine.. I just want something for heavy oil for the first 2 games.. I already have a weaker ball ( the black ice ) so thats the only reason i was looking for something with a heavier arc


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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2010, 10:49:59 PM »
Closest thing to a black ice would be something like the Avalanche Blue/Silver Reactive Pearl. Mine rolls great. Stronger then I expected.

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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2010, 11:05:33 PM »
Yea Im still debating.. I dont want something weak, but also not something like the 3.5 or invasion either..  But now you guys have givin me a few good options to look at, all I gotta do is pick.. For some reason the black widow venom and reign of fire are still in my head, as well as the Hyroad and the python.. ugh decisions...


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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2010, 11:22:32 PM »
alright, now with what you have said...

I'd definitely say look at a HyRoad and if you do get it, have your proshop remove the polish and have the ball at 4000 arbalon for the surface maybe even 2000 depending on how heavy your lane conditions are.
My Arsenal:
Rogue Cell (coming soon)
Bounty(4.5 x 4.75 Fresh 1000 Abralon)
Twisted Fury(5 x 4 500 Abralon + Reacta Shine)
Blue Vibe(5 x 5 4000 Abralon + Reacta Shine)

Dennis Rhodes

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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2010, 11:38:26 PM »
Considering that I still throw a Danger Zone occasionally.  I would have to agree with JustRico.  A python is a nice step up.  The ball is easy to get through the heads, reads the mids well and has all sorts of pop on the backend of the lane.  When I take hand out of the ball, it still rolls nice and heavy (due to the modified Inferno core).  If after initial tests with the ball, don't be afraid to modify the surface.  The backend can be exceptional provided lane conditions and oil volumes that you are facing.
Dennis Rhodes
Brunswick Advisory Staff
Remember to accept my posts as my opinion, and not those of Bruswick.


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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2010, 12:17:34 AM »
All you guys and gals have been a huge help in all this for me.. And have pushed me to go with a cheaper mid level ball from my local pro shop To find my swing again, get my PAP measurements, so THEN when I know all my info it will be a safe bet to order online, as then I will know my measurements and  pin placement/position Top weight etc...

im narrowing them down.. and am gonna get to the pro shop tuesday .. So 1 more day lol


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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2010, 12:25:02 AM »
Freeze is nothing close to a weak ball. just becuase of its price doesnt make it weak, same with the fast and furious. I even found myself using the furious on the shark a while back. Freeze is the best ball out right now as far and performance for your money.
REFS: MrEddie(BBE), notsohotshot(BR), akanayte(UTA)
Ryan "Junk" Pitman
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Re: Todays balls Hook potential vs Black ice zone?
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2010, 12:56:04 AM »
What would you say are the top 5 balls out now  for the performance to $$$ factor..  hYroad, Freeze , Reign of fire, Bedlam, Nomad?