Rolled an 8 gamer today. This place i bowl is 2 hours from my house and i don't know why i do it other than for the practice.
The lanes are 55 year old wood lanes and it seams like there is never enough oil.
I started 15-7 and i wasn't far enough in, i moved to 20 and i had a great look, started out 232, 248 and then the heads went away and the 3.5 was really reading the mids and i was constantly in the head pin, i had to change balls down to a big block diesel for the next 2 games, then we break for lunch and they oil lanes with a different machine and w ebowl 4 more. After the second oiling i moved to 10 at the arrows and had a great look, there is more hang down lane during second shift. As soon as i had to move in the mids were flying, i really needed to put the 3.5 away but i only had a few games on it so i really wanted to stick with it... Stupid mistake.
What i saw with the 3.5 today, 2 games and i really need to put it away. I think this is the ball i have been looking for, for nationals... I think i will be able to open up the lane with it.
Ball never snapped, it just plain rolls. Can't wait to try it league night with a little more oil.
Obviously you were not listening to your ball...