For me, I think the WC and the ES are an excellent 1-2 punch. In comparison to the WT, it is a similar motion, just earlier. The WC is very clean, for a solid, through the heads. If I am able to get lined up with the WC in a zone that is carrying well. When it starts to check up, I can pull out the ES and stay in the same zone on the lane. In comparison, the WC is box w/polish and is drilled 63 x 5 3/4 x 36 with no hole, and the ES is oob and drilled 52 x 6 x 35 with no hole. Both balls are more than capable of retaining oil and moving in, but when I am in a tournament and like the zone that I am playing in, I will stay there as long as I can. In all actuality, you can't go wrong with either one of these choices. I have 2 of each on order to try with different drillings. This is what I have seen thus far.
Dennis Rhodes
Brunswick Advisory Staff
Remember to accept my posts as my opinion, and not those of Bruswick.