Let me explain it to you one more time real slow to see if you can comprehend it this time stormbowler83
There are many companies the are manufacturing bowling balls in the U.S.A. Brunswick chose to cease manufacturing at their Michigan plant which cost American workers their jobs. How many more jobs do you think Americans can stand to lose before the economy gets to a point it will be impossible to recover from?
All of the examples you provided are products in which we as Americans basically have no other option except to purchase foreign products, but and let me emphasize again bowling balls are NOT.
Why should you care? Let me explain it another way. See if you can follow along, when people lose good paying manufacturing jobs (VP''s, managers, engineers, technicians), then they don''t put their money in your bank, build that house that you build, buy that car you sell, go to that expensive hair salon where you work, etc..
Keep thinking about it maybe the light switch will come on Stormbowler83, but by the argument you have provided I seriously doubt it.
26 Year old righty
220 average on THS
190 on PBA experience
Edited on 4/11/2010 4:27 PM