Doesn''t matter where the ball is made. If you want it, buy it. If not that is fine. If Brunswick kept their plant in the USA and then eventually due to cost, ect quit making bowling balls would that have made it better? Then more people would have lost their jobs due to a company not doing its best to maintain its business.
Shortly there after they pull out of sponsoring on the PBA, stop making bowling pins, lanes, equipment ect. Then you have more lost jobs then to begin with.
Many companies in the USA have pulled some plants and moved them to other countries. It is the cost of doing business. Not all USA car manufactures are built in the USA anymore. Many are outsources to plants built in Canada and Mexico. So just because you bought from an American company doesn''t mean you bought an American car. At least Brunswick still employees people in the USA because they are still in business.
So buy American every chance you get. Doesn''t mean it is a better product, doesn''t mean you saved someones job. You can''t say that about bowling balls, and not apply it to everything else.
Also understand bowling ball sales is not the huge industry it use to be, especially in the USA. More sales are made to other countries then here.
Also, how many jobs were lost at the plant in Michigan?
" men lie, women lie, numbers don''t "
Edited on 4/11/2010 6:51 PM