If having the pin over the middle finger is a 5" pin to PAP mesurement, then your PAP must be in neighborhood of 3" over. That would make you a real spinner.
Next, you need to determine, have some idea what degree of oil you're bowlign on. A Total Inferno sanded to 500 grit would handle heavy oil for most people. That makes me suspect that if you're bowling on medium oil, it is expending all its energy in the heads and midlane.
My suggestion is to check with a GOOD driller to see what your true PAP is. Next find out what amount of degree of oil you are really bowlign on. Then proceed from there.
Nothing sounds right in the picture you draw.
Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That is not quite accurate, as the environment in which you're doing that same thing can be constantly changing. So expecting a different result is actually quite rational --- Except In Bowling!
Edited on 4/29/2007 6:03 PM