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Author Topic: Total NV or Total Inferno?  (Read 2176 times)


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Total NV or Total Inferno?
« on: May 03, 2007, 01:51:10 AM »
I'm in a little predicament, i can't decide between a total inferno or a total NV. either way i'm going to buy both but which one do i buy next week, my tax return just came so i'm going to use that money to buy one or the other. i start a pba league next tuesday which i know i won't have it ready by then but maybe the week after which do u think is a better ball for a sport shot? also posted in the ebonite forum
Age: 18
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Re: Total NV or Total Inferno?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2007, 10:23:32 AM »
buy both no decision involved
Adam Carreon

Northern Illinois
University Bowling

some of arsenal:

looking for a 15# red fuze in good shape


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Re: Total NV or Total Inferno?
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2007, 12:07:51 PM »
it all depends on what u need i have a ti cuz i use brunswick so i will be biased dont get me wrong the tnv is a great ball but my vote would be the ti. i love the way it picks up in the mid and would better suit a longer patter. but i agree that they would be a good 1-2 punch
Adam Carreon

Northern Illinois
University Bowling

some of arsenal:

looking for a 15# red fuze in good shape


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Re: Total NV or Total Inferno?
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2007, 01:47:01 PM »
If you have seen both of these balls used, decide which fits your game better. Which one impressed you more? Read up on the reviews of each and see which one people like better. I dont have either of those 2 balls, but if I had to pick one based on what I have seen on the lanes, my choice would be Total NV.

i've seen people use the total nv and yes i'm pretty impressed but the rotation i get i'm nervous that i'll have to do what i did with my one which is put like 20 games on it until it gets controlable. i've read all the reviews. from what i've heard they're going to put the nationals shot out the first week but i'm not 100% sure. and to reply to what somebody else said i am going to buy both just which one first
Age: 18
Average: 198
High Score: 300 unsanctioned,299 sanctioned
High Series: 723 223, 299, 201
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Edited on 5/3/2007 1:51 PM


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Re: Total NV or Total Inferno?
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2007, 12:20:10 AM »
The Total Inferno will last longer!!!!
We're all Livin in a BRUNSWICK World!!!
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Re: Total NV or Total Inferno?
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2007, 08:11:38 AM »
ya i've heard about how ebonite is not known for its long lasting balls, i have only had one ball from ebonite before and that is my one but its still going strong, no doubt weaker than when i got it but i resurfaced it and it has brought it back to life for the most part, it still hooks the lane with me so i think i'll go with the total inferno. one thing i've heard and this is from the ebonite forum is that there is a lot of inconsistancies with the finish on the total inferno's. true or false?

here's what he said, this is the c-g pro shop carl
"The Total Inferno bothers me for a couple of reasons. It really seems to be love/hate ball. People either really like it, or they cannot stand it. The bigget issue I have with it is how inconsistant the coverstock is from the factory. OOB I have seen them shined up to a super gloss, I have seen them as dull as the Ultimate Inferno and I have seen them with tremendous grit lines and polish built inside of them."
Age: 18
Average: 198
High Score: 300 unsanctioned,299 sanctioned
High Series: 723 223, 299, 201
782 234, 300, 248
Current Equipment:
The One
Animal Untamed
Rule GP2
Desert Heat 300

Edited on 5/4/2007 8:20 AM


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Re: Total NV or Total Inferno?
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2007, 08:22:23 AM »
I own both and my TNV is a little longer and a little snappier then the TI.  Not much but a board or 2 and about a foot or 2 longer.  I use my TNV on fresh and switch to the TI after a game or so.  MY TI is polished not OOB the TNV is OOB.  They compliment each other very well.