I just got one last week as a replacement for a cracked out SmashTime. Mine was drilled with the pin up and let me tell you is it a beast! I throw medium revs (~275) and 17-18 mph off my hand (usually 14-15 mph at the pins according to the speed cameras at the center).
On a typical house shot I can stand at 35 and throw across the middle arrow, out to the 5 board and it just screams back to the pocket. I used it this week in my PBA experience league on the Chameleon pattern and did pretty well. I threw the ball up the first arrow with some speed and it had no problem turning the corner. The other bowlers on my lane had to point the ball at the pocket if they played the outside part of the lane.
All in all this ball is a strong hooking ball with great continuation. My SmashTime had a tendency to roll out if there was too much dry, but not this ball. Putting the pin up allows my Mammoth to get through the front part of the lane better (the cover wants to start hooking very early).
With a slower speed and "minimal" revs, you might reconsider putting the pin down, but check with your ball driller to make sure. This ball needs oil to be playable and on a THS you will not be able to use it much unless your keep it in the oil or bring the ball up from the 400 grit and polish it.
Good luck!
Paul Saunders
InSite Bowling Products webmaster
http://www.insitebowlingproducts.com(866) 405-bowl