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Author Topic: Rg Average? Ball suggestion.  (Read 1702 times)


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Rg Average? Ball suggestion.
« on: August 05, 2008, 03:09:08 PM »
I'm trying to get an understanding of ball dynamics to be better able to choose new balls that will work best for me, and Brunswicks "RG-Average" value on the Ball Information Sheets has me confused.  I understand the RG-Max, Min and Diff numbers, but where do they get the RG-Average from?

Here's what I've got.

My benchmark ball is my Smokin Inferno.  I get my best reaction with this ball, it rev's up nice and gets a hard backend reaction.  Is the Smokin considered low RG?

I've also got a Fury Pearl (at 2000 Abralon) which I like but it doesn't seem to rev up as nice as the Smokin for me.  (Might have something to do with the pin up drilling?)

Have a Strike Zone in storage which I could never get to move much in any heavy oil (PBA Exp) and was a bit disappointed with.

The RG Max,Min and Diff for these two balls are very close.
Smokin      Max=2.539, Min=2.497, Diff=.042     RG Average=3.4
Fury Pearl  Max=2.515, Min=2.471, Diff=.044     RG Average=2.8

Why the drastically different Rg Averages?

I just want to be able to look at the specs of a ball and have an idea if it will match up with my game or not.

I was looking for something to handle more oil and was thinking of the Twisted, Twisted Solid or Ultra.

Any Help with the above questions and any ball suggestions would be appreciated.
Sorry if I was rambling a bit.




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Re: Rg Average? Ball suggestion.
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 11:26:30 PM »
I do not know much about the RG average but I'm sure it relates to the max and min somewhat.  I believe only Brunswick shows it as well, I don't pay much attention to it.

Out of the balls you listed, the Twisted Fury Solid will be the best ball to handle oil.  I also do not know much about the Smokin' Inferno but the way you describe it sounds to be similar to the Ultra Zone, in which case I'd opt for the Twisted Solid out of those three.  The Fury Pearl is not meant to be an early revving ball and the pin placement only implies that more.  That's probably your skid/snap ball for Medium-light to lighter conditons, it's good to have stuff that rolls differently otherwise that kinda defeats the purpose of having different stuff.  I can't say much about the Strike Zone but my guess is that being a bit older it's not much different than the Fury Pearl in terms of hook but the shape is probably different.

That's just my two cents and then some.


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Re: Rg Average? Ball suggestion.
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2008, 10:17:41 AM »
The core and the RG numbers are only part of a more complex puzzle.
Basically, the lower the RG the easier the ball revs up (and also loses energy more easily) - if you want an oil ball that finishes well on slick shots, alow RG is a good choice. Higher RGs save the energy better for later, and the push the ball easier down the lane - good for lighter conditions.
The differential tells you how much (and how early) a ball CAN flare, based on its drilling. The more the better (basically) in oily shots, because flare means exposure of fresh ball surafce to the lane and migration of the core to its final stable axis when rotating.

Besides: your style (PAP, speed, revs) as well as the drilling and the ball's surface, plus the lane condition and even the lane surface can play a role.

The Strike Zone IS an oil ball by design. If it does not move, you have either too little oil (the ball burns out) at hand, the ball could be soaked with oil and need a resurfacing and oil extraction, or your bowling style prevents the ball from showing its potential - this includes a bad drilling which can also kill the ball reaction.

Complicated... good luck!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Re: Rg Average? Ball suggestion.
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2008, 12:18:55 PM »
According to USBC specs, the RG can be 2.43" to 2.80". These are absolute measurements in terms of inches. The range of 1 to 10 are relative numbers.

If 2.43 = 1 and 2.80 = 10 on the scale, the Smokin's average absolute RG is 2.519" (The low RG + 1/2 the Differential is 2.497" + .021"). Within the scale or 1 to 10, that's a 3.4.

Figure out the Fury's average relative RG.

SInce 99% of balls drilled will have the pin in the middle of the range, the average RG is a good eyeball measurement of the relative RG "strength".
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