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Author Topic: Ugh...The Nation is pulling me back in.  (Read 814 times)


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Ugh...The Nation is pulling me back in.
« on: March 04, 2005, 05:04:08 AM »
IF you remember over the summer, I was the guy 10+ balls deep full of Brunswick singing the praises of the Big B.  All through the season I've been going through some extensive changes in my game and I just drilled up 4 new balls(Inferno, and Powergroove) included.
I'm sitting here, staring in the face of a NIB Intense Inferno, and two Ultimates(currently being held for Drillwizard, BTW), and I cant help but wonder how well these would work in my hands.  

And what do you know, Buddies has Warp Zones on sale for $80 bucks and I'm about to order one tonight or tomorrow, and with Powergroove #2 coming in, I guess I'm back on a Brunswick binge without even noticing it.


(....but my Seafoam Tornado isn't going anywhere, that ball is just toooo sweeeeeeet)



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Re: Ugh...The Nation is pulling me back in.
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2005, 01:08:22 PM »
Go for it.  Nobody can ever have too many bowling balls.
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.