Hi guys
Had my UI redone to this drilling.. see post.
Pin+ cg# X/hole*
Pin 1/half ins to the right of ring finger and 3/4in above
CG 2/1/2 to the right of middle. My X hole is 4/half ins to the right of the pin and 1/2inch below, shortened the span by 3/16 felt more comfortable.
Played last night had a 199 1st game moved a little deeper had 242 263 for a 704.
Saw a big difference in the finish much snappier had a lot of boards to play with. When i get my AI should i have the same or would you suggest a different drilling.
Hit em thin watch em Spin

Edited on 5/18/2005 4:18 AM
Edited on 5/18/2005 4:55 PM
Edited on 5/18/2005 4:56 PM