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Author Topic: ultimate inferno drill patterns  (Read 1606 times)


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ultimate inferno drill patterns
« on: March 11, 2004, 01:01:23 AM »
bowler stats:
17 MPH
med rev rates
comprible equip:fear fact(pin above bridge/CG kicked out)

  I have had this ball now for about 4 weeks, but still havent drilled it. I have been thinking of the best way to lay it out. I want it to hook in the heavier oil(play 8 to 5), but not over react. something that gets through down easy with a smooth mid lane reaction. The fear factor rolls early in med oil, but when the lanes transition, it becomes a little touchy. any advise would be nice.
Robert McPheron

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Re: ultimate inferno drill patterns
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2004, 09:59:56 PM »
  If you want this ball to get down lane, you might want to drill something else up.  I drilled mine up with a 4x4 layout stacked.  I polished it up to 2000 with the abrylon pads and this ball was extraordinary in the oil.  I was swingin the ball from about 19 out to 12 and this is where there was a pond in the middle of the lane, and the ultimate acted as if there was nothing.  I am going to bring the surgace back down to 800 with the abrylon pads and see what it does.  Also when i bounced this ball right to the dry to see if it would over react, the ball made a smooth reaction back to the pocket and smash..

Billy D.


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Re: ultimate inferno drill patterns
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2004, 11:39:54 PM »
Well what I have found to work on Brunswick balls to hook in oil but be controllable is the pin below the ring finger with the cg under it about 2 or 3 inches. This ball rolls well in oil and also has some kick in the back end. I have the Detonator and the Raging Inferno drilled like this. Just a suggestion.

-Shawn Ryan-

Edited on 3/17/2004 0:34 AM