I've had no personal experience with the Inferno series, but based on the numbers, out of the box, the Ultimate Inferno should be the better heavy oil ball. If you're willing to do some surface adjustments, the Ragin Inferno might be a better choice. According to the Brunswick website, the Raging Inferno out of the box has High Gloss Polish whereas the Ultimate Inferno comes 800-grit wetsanded. If the Raging Inferno were to be dulled to an equal 800-grit finish, it MIGHT be able to handle oil better because of its particle coverstock.
However, as much as the Raging may handle oil better, it may also not be able to handle heavy oil as well as the Ultimate Inferno due to the UI's stronger centre-heavy core. This will make the ball want to get into a heavy forward-roll much earlier, and this type of reaction is preferrable on a heavy oil shot.
Just a thought. Hope this helps (if it doesn't confuse you more)! LOL!
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