I need a vent! I just have to say how good this ball from 2002 really is! I definitively love it!
Yesterday, in my traveling league, we went to a house that is notorious for a slick surface - many people in my club hate, even fear this house since it does not allow much room for error at all. High speed kills, the area to play is generally tight and the lane favors strokers like me.
Since my sanded XXcel as oil ball cracked some weeks ago, I reactivated its predecessor, my "old faithful" Fuze Eliminator, sanded its surface slightly to 1.500 grit in order to handle long oil. It had its first serious outing yesterday, and immediately left me with a nice 233-199-173-206-172 series for a 197 average - the second highest single player result of the day (among 30+ players)! I "blame" much of this success simply on the right ball for the occasion. Late games started to lack oil, though, but overall this is a very good result for me, and also for the team, beating all 5 other teams in our division.
The Eliminator performed SO well, I was even asked how I got it to move or stay on line on the slick lanes by higher league players, it really turned heads. Not bad for this oldie, which is IMHO still an underrated piece and one of the balls I'd love to have a 100% remake or an OOB piece
This ball is so... cool! Looks like nothing, but a wonderful ball for oil and carrydown. The overall package is very versatile and unique - it (still) does as it had been originally described.
Absolutely love it
. Lemmi, go!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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