From what I've seen, most of the Zone line reacts best if you have the psa pretty close to your thumb, but still on the right side (if you're a righty). My CZ red pin has the psa dead center of my thumbhole, and it rolls awesome. The boss has a Vapor Zone, and the psa is kicked out a couple inches, doesn't roll so well. His Impulse had the psa kicked out too, and it didn't roll so great either. My Strike didn't roll so well with the psa kicked out until I redrilled it with the pin closer to my pap and the psa about an inch right of the thumb, then it was freakin awesome. The Zone line DEFINITELY doesn't react so hot if your psa is in the track, I'm not surprised it's not doing much for you. LOVE the Zone line though. Drill them right, and you won't find anything better.
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!