Didja ever find one? I have a NIB 15# "King Quantum" which might fit your needs. Online info is:
"The King Quantum uses an Ultra Low RG core system, combined with an aggressive reactive pearlized coverstock to create a high hook potential ball for medium-dry to medium-oily lane conditions. The King Quantum features the Activator+ coverstock with the Original Inferno core".
There's a photo at:
http://www.bowlingball.com/quantum-king-quantum-overseas-release-bowling-ball.htmlI bought three of these. There's a wide variation in color. The one I drilled looks a lot like the one in the photo. The undrilled one I'm going to sell shortly has more of the "cement" look to it. It doesn't come polished but more of a matte finish. To get the Absolute type of reaction it needs to be changed to the Absolute finish, which I believe was a 220 or 360 followed up with Rough Buff. Anyway - let me know if you're interested. I can send photos and I'm going to ask $95 + 20 shipping when I finally get around to listing it.
I'm clearing out my 15# stash cuz I just went back to 16# and th wife is having a fit about the ball collection.