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Author Topic: Scorchin Inferno polished?  (Read 921 times)


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Scorchin Inferno polished?
« on: April 12, 2006, 02:43:10 AM »
Hey anyone ever polished a Scorchin Inferno? I am going to drill one up later today, I have alot of hand and wanted to be able to throw this ball on oil but was afraid if I left it box finish it would burn up to soon since I have such a high rev rate. My PAP is 4 1/2 over and 5/8 up. I was thinking about getting the pin above the ring finger to help it down the lane. So the question being should I leave the box finish and then put 1200 grit polish on top fo that or alter the surface to another grit then the polish, or just leave the box fininsh and throw it.




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Re: Scorchin Inferno polished?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2006, 03:56:02 PM »
i play mostly on medium lanes and the scorchin oob is way to strong ball.  i first tried the rough buff and the ball was sufficient enough that i was able to play about a game 1/2.  decided to apply the high gloss polish and since then, i've never taken it off.  alot of memorable scores.
Inferno Bowler: "Throwing a strike when the game starts is only a minor obstacle. Throwing a strike when you really need it in the 10th frame can be a whole different beast"   Parker Bohn III

Arsenal: Scorchin Inferno / Ultimate Inferno / Smokin Inferno / Original Inferno(2) Morich Ravage / Vapor Zone / Enriched Uranium and Target Zone.