I really hope these balls arent losing their power already! They come out of the box fighting hard. After a few weeks they seem to be more dud then anything. I hope its me more then the equipment. I havnt shot over 550 with either ball on any of my 4 leauges in 4 weeks. Ive been averaging 150's for the last 4 weeks. Im down on my average by more then 20 pins everynight. These are 5 weeks ago averages compared to this week. Teusday; 5 weeks ago 208, now 188. Wednesday; 5 weeks ago 200, now 174. Thursday; 5 weeks ago 205, now 181. Friday; 5 weeks ago 219, now 196. I dont know why im bowling so badly. My high series of this week was 525 with the low at 402. Im to the point that i just wanna sell off everything i have, throw the rest of the stuff in the trash and never look back. Im past frustrated!