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Author Topic: Virtual gravity v.s ultimate inferno  (Read 1102 times)


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Virtual gravity v.s ultimate inferno
« on: April 16, 2009, 11:59:50 PM »
I have both of these coming NIB so I dont know ball specs yet.
I need one as a bench mark ball/versatile and one for heavier oil.
I have a high rev rate 17.5 mph ball speed. I have been out of bowling for 2 years and just started back, the last league I bowled I averaged 231 fall league, and 240 for the summer with a Original inferno drilled rico pin 1" above midline. I was thinking of drilling the UI rico to try and bring back the look I had with the OI and this leaves me with the question what to do with the Virtual Gravity. The last storm ball I had was a vertigo drilled pin under middle mb on right side of thumb and rolled really well but would ping corners all day on carry down. So how should I drill these 2 balls to compliment each other.



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Re: Virtual gravity v.s ultimate inferno
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2009, 10:01:14 PM »
use ur ui for when theres oil maybe a 4x4 or 3x3 drilling. as far as the vg its a hook in a box, drill it 5x5 around there to help it get down the lane easier.
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