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Author Topic: Waiting for New Brunswick balls  (Read 2217 times)


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Waiting for New Brunswick balls
« on: July 05, 2005, 04:54:16 AM »
I just want to get everyone feed back on the new balls coming out by Big B . If anyone has purchase the strike zone , Would this ball replace the AI or it's more aggressive . Let me know . Thank you



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Re: Waiting for New Brunswick balls
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2005, 10:11:13 AM »
Just curious... what is so wrong with the "old" Brunswick equipment?

Nothing against you, of course, but I see a lot of "newer must be better" comments and it doesn't make sense.  It seems the mentality is last month's greatest ball in the whole widest world is today's boat anchor.
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Re: Waiting for New Brunswick balls
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2005, 10:25:45 AM »
Tony, you are absolutely right. I recognize this about many Brusnwick players around here, who stick with the brand and await new releases like X-mas. They buy blindly whatever calls itself "High Performance", maybe they think it knocks down more wood as a product feature?

Funny thing I also recognize about Brunswick's current line-up is that the balls get more and more aggressive - more hook, sharper reaction, you name it. I wonder who is supposed to play with all this stuff, while the "lower" end has only a limited assortment to offer. Older balls fill that niche well.

A ball is not "good" because it is new. It is good when it fits your game and the condition you play it on.

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Waiting for New Brunswick balls
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2005, 12:07:13 PM »
maybe u should spend some money on lessons instead of a new ball. U really only need 1 ball if ur good. Guy i know uses a strom triple xtream avgs 225 at my house and 200 at a nother house that is like a sport house hes about 50's throws a down and in ball seen him throw 23 strikes ina row for a 300 299 Stone 9pin. Do u really need a nother ball that will jus out hook another one ?>???
Your bowling ur self...You are your biggest enemy.

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A guy tells me when arnt bowling good quit getting mad at ur self when ur struggling, he said i wish i had ur tallent at ur age, Be greatful for how good u are.


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Re: Waiting for New Brunswick balls
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2005, 12:57:24 PM »
Tony, you are absolutely right. I recognize this about many Brusnwick players around here, who stick with the brand and await new releases like X-mas. They buy blindly whatever calls itself "High Performance", maybe they think it knocks down more wood as a product feature?

Funny thing I also recognize about Brunswick's current line-up is that the balls get more and more aggressive - more hook, sharper reaction, you name it. I wonder who is supposed to play with all this stuff, while the "lower" end has only a limited assortment to offer. Older balls fill that niche well.

A ball is not "good" because it is new. It is good when it fits your game and the condition you play it on.

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany

Team "X" league website:

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe

I notice this trend in track equipment too. The gp2 is how much stronger than the animal, which was stronger than the phenom, which was stronger than the super freak, mutant, freak...


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Re: Waiting for New Brunswick balls
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2005, 09:11:38 PM »
I am only looking forward the the Strike Zone and Smokin Inferno because it is what would fill the HUGE holes in my arsenal. If these balls had been made 10 years ago and reacted this way I would still buy them. I am not with the whole newer is better. For example, I just got a Blazing Inferno for my Birthday and I will soon get an Original Inferno, neither of these balls are new but both suit my game.
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Re: Waiting for New Brunswick balls
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2005, 01:27:33 AM »
They pick on me because I'm handsome and have a plethora of l33t Brunswick balls.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
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