Thanks to all for your suggestions. I was in Brunswick's website, and checked out the specs on each of the balls. It looks like a toss up between the Blazing and the Classic Zone.
Ratings for both balls:
Blazing: Hook-110; Length-115; Break-90; Diff-.033
Classic: Hook-115; Length-110; Break-85; Diff-.048
Almost the same except for the differential.
These compare well in a spot above the SlayR which has: Hook-70; Length-165; Break-90; Diff-.043
I have the Newsletter from When I get home, I'll check it out, and if the specs of the Blazing look good (top weights, pin distance), then I might pick it up.
When the bowler that I am meets up with the bowler I ought to be; I'll be one bad Motherf%&$r!