
Equipment Boards => Brunswick => Topic started by: xratedbowler on October 21, 2005, 01:25:28 AM

Title: we all love brunswick
Post by: xratedbowler on October 21, 2005, 01:25:28 AM
but were are pics! everybody say it togther....we want pics...we want pics....we want pics. egt the point!
formely known as charles76

Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: xratedbowler on October 21, 2005, 09:29:06 AM
oh yea we want vid too almost forgot about those
formely known as charles76

Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: a_ak57 on October 21, 2005, 02:18:13 PM
You DO realize that you constant asking will probably make them NOT want to post pics, right?

They heard you the first time.  If they'll post, they'll post.  A topic every 3 days won't help...
- Andy
Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: Kyle on October 21, 2005, 02:21:31 PM
Plus, it takes away space of topics I WANT to read and talk about, not stupid posts about YOU, and ONLY YOU, wanting pics of the new stuff constantly.
Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: xratedbowler on October 21, 2005, 03:26:00 PM
let me tell you something every other ball company has pics of their stuff thats not out yet. so why is it wrong for me to nag big b for pics when they are suposouly about to come put with both releases in 10 days or so. YOU TELL ME IM WRONG. DONT ANNOUNCE SOMETHING THEN WAIT TO LAST MINUTE SHOW IT.
formely known as charles76

Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: Kyle on October 21, 2005, 03:30:17 PM
They don't have to be like every other company. They can do what they want. Your the ONLY one who's been whinning like a little kid about wanting to see pics of them. Just wait paitiently like everyone else, if you can.
Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: a_ak57 on October 21, 2005, 03:55:52 PM
Ball companies send in their new stuff to the PBA to be approved months in advance, so that claim about them always releasing pics is BS.  Just stop being so freaking impatient!  The balls were announced a week or two ago, sheesh!  And if it's really THAT important to you what the ball looks like, maybe you should just throw a straight ball and pick from plastic, I'm sure you'll find something pretty....
- Andy
Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: RSalas on October 21, 2005, 04:30:11 PM
I could be wrong, but Brunswick typically won't add a ball to their Web site until it is available to distributors.

If you're looking for an *actual* picture, you'll just have to wait until the staffers get theirs, and then hope that they'll post the pictures for you.  
...formerly "The Curse of Dusty," and "Poöter Boöf" before that...
Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: xratedbowler on October 21, 2005, 05:25:28 PM
no we were told about the balls long in advance no we just recentlly found out about the names of the balls. first off colors dont matter if the balls but ugly im not going to buy it brunswick doesnt make ugly balls thanks bracket creep for info. we had a picture of somkin before its release right. im just saying theres 2 balls coming out we couldn't get a peek of one. whatever  i plan to buy one or the other based on specs not color just thought a pic would help my decsion out a little better. so the fk what if im impatient if you got a problem it! i dont have a problem with anybody low key guy usually you guys got a problem with which got me piised off with your comments. if you saw i had happy goofy faces at the end of my comments...hulk mad want to smash something
formely known as charles76

Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: Speedburner89 on October 21, 2005, 05:35:16 PM
Ball companies send in their new stuff to the PBA to be approved months in advance, so that claim about them always releasing pics is BS. Just stop being so freaking impatient! The balls were announced a week or two ago, sheesh! And if it's really THAT important to you what the ball looks like, maybe you should just throw a straight ball and pick from plastic, I'm sure you'll find something pretty....

that's an andy reply if i ever saw one
"In life, you enter with nothing and you leave with nothing.  Your life is a parentheses in infinity, and the only thing you can do is give it away" - anonymous

Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: xratedbowler on October 21, 2005, 09:49:53 PM
im not whineing im not going to take anybody sh1t. i just ask for pics in a joking way and you guys are the ones that at like little b1tches make a big deal out of nothing. get it right its your mom that wipes somthing and it aint my nose.
formely known as charles76

Title: Re: we all love brunswick
Post by: xratedbowler on October 21, 2005, 09:51:30 PM more thing why dont you shut my mouth a@@hole if you dont like it put me on your ignore list b1tch
formely known as charles76