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Author Topic: Weird thing found while drilling a Python  (Read 6516 times)


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Weird thing found while drilling a Python
« on: August 15, 2009, 02:34:35 AM »
I went to pick up my new Python on Thursday.  When the pro shop was drilling the ball, the drill bit got stuck and wouldn't go any farther.  When, the guy pulled the drill bit out of the hole, he found a piece of metal in the bottom of the hole.  I have posted a pic here¤t=0813092052.jpg  and it is magnetic.  Has anybody ever seen a chunk of metal in a bowling ball before.  He is taking it back to the supplier to get a credit.
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Re: Weird thing found while drilling a Python
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2009, 10:42:47 PM »
Carl,  you are correct.  I have used brunswick balls since 1995 as well.  I LOVED the Gold Rhino Pro which I used to shoot my 1st 300 game.  I have had many Brunswick balls, and the current line of snake named balls is very good!  I also currently have 5 other Big B balls.  I had an issue with 1 other Brunswick ball which was a speed zone - speed demon in which the cover would get a slick film all over the ball, but if you let it sit for 5 minutes it would go away and the cover would be normal.  I never got it replaced, but I did use it for 2 years before the condition was seen.  This post was intended to see if any other people on here has seen something like this when drilling a bowling ball.  I support Big B, and continued success.
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Re: Weird thing found while drilling a Python
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2009, 10:51:46 PM »
rileybowler, if you carefully read what the other people have posted then you'll realize what i'm talking about. this isn't about what the original poster said. this is about the people who beat the "move to mexico" issue to death. they don't seem to mind that dexter and etonic shoes, most bowling bags, and certain hammer, storm ,and columbia balls are made in other countries, yet brunswick balls that are made elsewhere is the devils work. if that's considered "taking it personally" then i'm giulty as charged.


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Re: Weird thing found while drilling a Python
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2009, 11:10:11 PM »
Mexico is still a part of the America's and the last time I checked, China isn't connected to the "America's"! People please use the equipment that you're comfortable using and if it's different than what someone else is using, so be it! We are still able to have free choice for the time being! I choose Roto Grip and have great success with their product and quality!
"Train a child up in the way he should go and when he is old he will "BOWL UP A STORM AND BE KING OF THEM ALL" and not turn from it."
Roto Grip - Storm : What else do you need?
Bruce Campbell
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Bruce Campbell
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Changing bowling, one bowler at a time!


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Re: Weird thing found while drilling a Python
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2009, 04:36:40 AM »
I am going to say this one more time. ALL BALL COMPANIES have problems from time to time with their equipment. This is just not a Brunswick issue. I have talked to many pro shop people that have had issues with ALL companies. Everyone just jumps at the opportunity to bash Brunswick when their is a problem with their equipment since they moved productin to Mexico. I think it is time to get over it.


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Re: Weird thing found while drilling a Python
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2009, 10:23:40 PM »
Drrev2000, man you are way behind the times. if you carefully read my last post on checking brunswick balls for quality control you would have remembered that i was at my pro shop for three hours while i had three new balls drilled. my wife had taken her father to the doctor for extensive tests so i lots of time to kill. in those three hours i managed to visually check every single brunswick bowling ball he had in stock. and every single brunswick ball passed the visual inspection with flying colors. all logos, pins, cg's, psa's, etc. were the correct colors and were where they were supposed to be. each ball had the correct finish that was required( dull ,matte, polished ). i don't need a meatal detector or an mri to notice this ....just a keen eye and a little experience. besides, my health insurance wouldn't approve the mri without a recommendation from my primary care provider...............