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Author Topic: What Cleaner?  (Read 2171 times)


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What Cleaner?
« on: October 08, 2003, 02:46:15 PM »
What cleaner should I use for both Infernos?



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Re: What Cleaner?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2003, 05:49:36 AM »
bronxkid-try some orange clean 409, simple green, or any household degreaser.  Rubbing alcohol is not advised by most companies but it can be used.  If you feel inclined you could purchase ebonite energizer cleaner, track magic or best shot cleaners.  There are many others as well.



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Re: What Cleaner?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2003, 03:54:38 PM »
a 50/50 mixture of simple green and rubbing alcohol will work great on your inferno. don't worry about the possible damage of rubbing alcohol on your brunswick equipment. ray edwards of brunswicks r&d department informed me that rubbing alcohol will not damage BRUNSWICK bowling balls.


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Re: What Cleaner?
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2003, 04:14:04 PM »
bronx_kid: Read carefully the advice given by agroves (Andrew). His response is accurate and complete, and there is little I can add to it.

Also, take to heart the caution against using rubbing alcohol. The following is what Ebonite states on the topic:

Alcohol and windex do not penetrate oil and dirt effectively. They tend to lay on top of oil and dirt and, when wiped with a towel, smear along the ball's surface leaving behind residue that is absorbed into the surface pores.

It's not that rubbing alcohol might damage your coverstock -- that's not the issue. The fact is that rubbing alcohol is not an effective degreasing agent. You don't clean your greasy kitchen counter with rubbing alcohol; that would be silly (for hopefully obvious reasons). Save the alcohol for disinfecting, and use real degreasing agents for maintaining the cover of your ball.

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