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Author Topic: What drilling to get on my Raging Inferno?  (Read 956 times)


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What drilling to get on my Raging Inferno?
« on: May 22, 2005, 03:18:45 PM »
Hey guys, I have an original Inferno that I absolutely love.  It does well in oily conditions, but there are times when the lanes are soaked in oil and the ball does not move like i'd like it to.  My original Inferno has the 2L drilling on the brunswick drilling sheet.

So I ended up finding a killer deal on a brand new Raging Inferno ($60.00).  I see by the charts this ball has more hook potential and breaks earlier than the original inferno.  Would getting a 2L drilling on this ball pick up the slack on really oily lanes?  Or do you recomend another drill pattern.




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Re: What drilling to get on my Raging Inferno?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2005, 02:07:25 PM »
Were it me, I'd go with the same layout, while keeping in mind that the Raging is a low-load particle, and thus will have a different hook shape than the original.  With the Raging, you always have the option of scuffing the cover if you need better handling in the oil.
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