What is your take/experiance on the C system Alpha Max? pros and cons,
i am on my 3rd one and think we got it right reaction wise, left handed,a 4" pin to pap and mass bias 1 1/2" to the strong side,the cover does shine up really quick, this on has 4 games on it and looks like 4000 grit,
i have been a strong Brunswick advocate for over 20 years now, and suggest the "b" balls to my customers in our pro shop and leagues, my best results are in the mid-line of balls for a typical fresh oil synthetic lane league shot,
the massive damage is my fav., followed by the wicked siege, wild ride and absolute inferno, still need to drill up the nexus
solid and pearl, have sold plenty, maybe after the holidays will drill them up.
avon pro shop
rochester hills, michigan
Edited by brunswickcomplete on 12/16/2011 at 8:47 AM