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Author Topic: What should I do to make my inferno skid longer ?  (Read 1196 times)


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What should I do to make my inferno skid longer ?
« on: June 14, 2005, 11:39:42 PM »
I have been having quite some problems with my original inferno, it is drilled for late roll.But at my competition site, the lanes are wooden and oil is scarce, last year, i heard that my friends were all using their spare balls. But anyway, i have my inferno shined up to 1500 but it still has a breakpoit too sharp, anyone, please help. Thanks


Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Re: What should I do to make my inferno skid longer ?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2005, 07:44:27 AM »
Try some Track Delayed Reaction:

You can buy a bottle here:

If that stuff doesn't tame your Inferno, then you'll have to buy a less aggressive ball.
*Don't swing it if you can't bring it.*
"Hey Guero..." "Yeah, bro?" member since 3/31/2003 (since 2001 under the now late user name buzzsaw16...back when I used nothing but Lane#1)

Edited on 6/15/2005 7:40 AM


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Re: What should I do to make my inferno skid longer ?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2005, 07:49:27 AM »
I am not really sure about that, whan i put it on my absolute inferno, it didn't really help much...


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Re: What should I do to make my inferno skid longer ?
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2005, 10:19:46 AM »
if you want your inferno to skid longer i presume you need more length before the ball starts to hook. have the ball wetsanded as fine as possible. what grit is your inferno sanded at now ? let's say it's 800 grit. have it wetsanded 1,000 grit, then 2,000 grit, and then finish it off with a 4,000 grit abralon pad. next, have the ball prepped with brunswicks rough buff( which is basically rubbing and finishing compound. finally, apply brunswicks factory finish high gloss polish. this will give you the most length possible. if you're worried that the backend snap will be too much have your pro shop man make sure the sanding pattern on the ball is not parallel with your ball track before the rough buff and polish are applied.

Edited on 6/15/2005 11:04 PM


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Re: What should I do to make my inferno skid longer ?
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2005, 10:41:53 PM »
I think it is sanded to about 1000