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Author Topic: What would happen if....  (Read 970 times)


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What would happen if....
« on: March 28, 2005, 12:19:20 AM »
Would it be detrimental to my Fuze Detonator if I polished the holy hell out of it?  The ball is drilled with pin under bridge, cg low & kicked out to the right, with a very low x-hole (almost beside thumb).  This ball used to work great with my higher speed & lack of revs, but lately I've been able to get my rev-rate up & now this ball burns out big time!

I'm thinking about putting a coat of 2000 polish on it, but I'm not sure if it will totally kill the balls back-end.  

Anyone ever try to polish one of Big B's high-load particle balls with any success?
Maybe someday that Big 'B' will learn how to knock down that little 10 pin!
Unofficial Member Of The Canadian National Beer Drinking Team