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Author Topic: Whats next for Brunswick?  (Read 5946 times)


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Whats next for Brunswick?
« on: January 07, 2004, 08:03:52 AM »
Title pretty much says it.  Any ideas on what Big-B will be coming out with next?  Any insights would be great.
Steve K
McKendree College Bowling Team


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2004, 11:17:41 PM »
I would think maybe a Pearl Particle in the Inferno mold
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2004, 12:30:27 AM »
Naw - they have 3 Infernos already, lots of Monsters, lots of Grooves, they're slowly phasing out the Fuzes - my guess would be a Zone of some type? Right now that's the only line lacking a Pearl ball.


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2004, 12:31:30 AM »
I hope not, they need to dump that core, it sucks.  I've seen a dozen Infernos drilled a dozen different ways with a dozen different surfaces, and they all do the same thing, leave 10 pins.  The ball wants to roll WAY too early.  The Raging is a purple Riot Zone, they even LOOK the same.  The Blazing just flat out sucks, it's SUPER over/under.  I LIKE Brunswick stuff, but this Inferno line just flat doesn't impress me in the least.  I LOVED the Fuze line, I need about 10 more Raging Reds, and a couple more Detonators wouldn't hurt, so I hope the next "master" line is better.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"I pulled up behind a big rig that had gotten stuck under an overpass, and when the policeman got there, I saw him smile, and thought, 'My God, he can't say it . .'  Sure enough, he asks the trucker, 'Get your truck stuck?'  And bless his heart, without missing a beat, the trucker replied, 'Nope, I was deliverin' this overpass and ran out of gas.'  Here's your sign . . "


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2004, 12:34:39 AM »
Come on Hammy, the inferno was basically voted the best ball of 03 by the ballreview members.  If it wasn't tops it was pretty close.  I have a hard time believing that the "ball" leaves ten pins.  You should know the "bowler" leaves 10 pins.  

Go Big B!!


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2004, 01:24:03 AM »
I know a lot of people liked it, but I haven't seen ANYONE do well with it.  Seriously, it burns up, rolls out, hits flat, everything.  I know a guy that had two of them, one drilled 4x2, the other drilled 5x4, and they both SUCKED.  The 4x2 rolled out at 35 feet, and the 5x4 was so over/under it wasn't funny.  He's more of a stroker, and he sold the 4x2 to a cranker, and that guy hated it too.  That guy gave it to a tweener, and he hated it.  I know the bowler is mostly at fault for 10 pins, but that ball doesn't help ANYTHING.  Maybe it's just that pearl balls with low rgs SUCK here in town.  The Bruiser is the only one I've seen anybody do any good with.  There are guys tearing it up with Power Grooves though, those things are awesome.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"I pulled up behind a big rig that had gotten stuck under an overpass, and when the policeman got there, I saw him smile, and thought, 'My God, he can't say it . .'  Sure enough, he asks the trucker, 'Get your truck stuck?'  And bless his heart, without missing a beat, the trucker replied, 'Nope, I was deliverin' this overpass and ran out of gas.'  Here's your sign . . "


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2004, 02:22:37 AM »
No compliant about the blazing inferno it does exactly what it says it does, it goes long and has a strong angular backend and hits hard. theres no problem with that pesky ten pin. Hamster you also have to consider that a certain bowling ball is not made for everyone style of bowling. maybe the guy you know bought the wrong ball for his game. like agroves said it was voted one of the best balls of 2003. let me ask you something, do you own a Inferno?

Edited on 1/8/2004 3:23 AM


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2004, 06:29:57 AM »

But the Raging Inferno is supposed to be a pearl particle,

It is a particle pearl, dull.......

I would think that they're going to replace a Monster or 2....Maybe a medium load particle Monster for heavier oil, PK 18 w/ Quantum core, kinda like a Bruiser on steroids..........
Hello, I just lowered my track !

Edited on 1/8/2004 7:29 AM


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2004, 07:31:26 AM »
I seconds Hawaii.  I've had great success with the inferno and the blazing.  Both balls have a great roll to them and compliment each other perfectly.  As for the original post, i think a new zone will be next also, possibly a particle pearl.



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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2004, 07:41:47 AM »
I love my inferno, I can think of no ball that is better. It was voted best for a reason, and that reason is it is an awesome ball. As far 10 pins(7 pins in my case) I never had a problem with leaving them.
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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2004, 08:40:21 AM »
I can't wait for a new inferno!  I love my is just brutal on the pins....

and now I think I've figured out the inferno....


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2004, 11:02:59 AM »
Yeah, the Raging's a great ball, but it's just a Riot Zone, so as far as being a "new" ball, at least people that loved the RZ have a replacement.  I tried for months to get my hands on an Inferno, but maybe it just won't work well in town.  Even people from out of town try to use them here and they go back in the bag pretty quickly.  Like I said, I've seen a dozen of them thrown by every style with every drilling, surface, whatever else.  The pattern here is 23 feet buffed to 36 with bland, soft backends, so you either need an oil monster that'll start hooking at the backend, or something REALLY shiny that'll go really long.  The Inferno rolls so early that the coverstock makes it really over/under, and you can't move deeper, because it rolls out before it starts moving.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"I pulled up behind a big rig that had gotten stuck under an overpass, and when the policeman got there, I saw him smile, and thought, 'My God, he can't say it . .'  Sure enough, he asks the trucker, 'Get your truck stuck?'  And bless his heart, without missing a beat, the trucker replied, 'Nope, I was deliverin' this overpass and ran out of gas.'  Here's your sign . . "


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2004, 11:29:33 AM »

I love the fuze line too.

For some reason the Red didn't work for me but that was the only one! (low top weight on that)  But the Demolition Zone did what that was suppossed to do and better.

I also love my Time Zone scoring, (but a very dull boring reaction) and now have the Warp Zone drilled more like my exciting but now too long Revolution Rebel.(Patterns seem longer)  All same core.

In the fuze line I've loved the Detonator, and Fuze ignitor a little. Slashing controlled angular backend!!

Love the Walter Ray from way back and loved the Smash/r but not around here.

Was a fan of the Riot Zone on some nights and think the Raging was no better from what I've seen.

I don't have one but do love the look of the Inferno original!

I think Brunswick needs to come up with something in the Dull Reactive that can compete with the Xfactor Deuce or new Apocolypse from Rotogrip.


PS also think a slight tweaking of Eliminator could really reap results on the protour!  It is too early on TV appearances and then a big gap down to the Inferno.  Something weaker than Eliminator and stronger than Inferno would really fit the bill!

Enjoyed the Riot zone and think that
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2004, 01:11:29 PM »
Heard something about a light load particle ball with RRF core...I hope for a Activator version of Red Fuze.


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Re: Whats next for Brunswick?
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2004, 03:45:33 PM »
Solid Reactive Activator?

From what I've heard, yes, with a lower RG core and a higher differential than the original Inferno.  I believe it's due out in February.