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Author Topic: Which of the 3 balls is BEST for playing inside? ...................... WOW --- UPDATE !!!  (Read 7706 times)

Ric Clint

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The Bruiser, Red Fuse, or ScreamR?

My league has been changing shots recently from everything to BURNT... to a shot where there's good fresh head oil but massively SCREAMING backends.

The one shot that is killing me is the shot where there's fresh head oil and midlane oil, but the oil is short with absolutely Screaming backends! I've been using a Reaction Rev and sometimes a Track Thrash on this shot (both are highly polished to 3000+ with Storm's "Xtra Shine" polish) and both get down the lane really well and work great on this shot where I'm playing inside like at 15-17 board out to like 7-8 board... I've been scoring well (655-690 every week), but I want to score better and feel that I'm using the wrong ball for the shot even though I've been hitting this shot every week.

BUT... on this shot, some of my shots I can tell the ball is rolling out even with a high Gloss like these 2 balls have and plus they're Particle's, so I'm needing a good ball (I think a pearl is the answer?) to play this shot that will give me more backend pop and more continuation and no roll out than my REV and Thrash. Would like to even move deeper and swing more because the backends are THAT strong and there's NO HOLD area at all so you better not pull it.

I've got a chance to get a good deal on one the 3 balls listed above, which are the Bruiser, Red Fuze, or Scream R... which would you get and how would you drill it? I'm thinking PIN above ring, CG stacked under the ring... or PIN beside/touching ring, CG stacked under PIN... (bascially 5x5 or 4x4).

Remember I need GREAT continuation and strong backend with NO rollout. Something is telling me - RED FUZE... RED FUZE... RED FUZE...


Edited on 7/16/2004 3:21 AM

Edited on 7/16/2004 3:22 AM

Edited on 7/16/2004 3:23 AM



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Personally, I would stay away from the Fuze.  Even though it is a pearl, it tends to really rev up pretty hard in the midlane.  If you are looking for length, I would go with the Scream/R simply because I bowled with someone who has a very similar style as yours and that was a go to ball for him when he needed the length and good backend pop.  The Bruiser, while it may be continuous, think that it would want to roll up way too soon for what you are looking for.  If length is a must, definitely go with the pin out 5 inches from your PAP.  If you are saying that the backends are really strong, set the cg in the center of your grip.  You would not need to shift the cg right as you should already have enough help getting the ball to pop the corner with the fried backends.
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
Steven Vance
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I'm by no means a Big B expert, but a lightly polished Inferno might work well in this situation.  Length, with backend pop.  Drill for medium/strong reaction, maybe 4x4.
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No way you can play inside with a power groove, even if the backends are screaming unless your a cranker or if you have no ball speed.  The inferno as recommended wouldn't be a bad choice but the orginal ? was which of the three balls.  Out of those three either the raging red or the scream/r, the bruiser definitely reads too early i would say.  Best bet to cover more lane conditions and still play inside would be the red fuze.  Scream/r may be too weak on the heavier stuff.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.
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Since the questioned asked which of THESE, then the answer should include one of those......and the answer is..........................

Personally I would look for the ScreamR to fit the bill nicely. As to the drill, I believe that a 4x4 or 5x5 would suffice. Mine is drilled with the pin just to the right top of the ring, and the cg out maybe 1/4". It works well with enough oil in the heads and mids, and FRESH backends.

This is not my favorite ball in my arsenal for this, but of the 3 mentioned, IMHO, it would be the best option.

The Older We Get, The Better We Were - a NY State Vol. Fire Department - local & national stories by Joe Ciccone The worlds fastest firemen in the origional Xtreme Games
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I am deffinitly gonna say the Scream/R. I have a polished bruiser, and it rolls up pretty early/midlane. I dont know about the fuze, but I would say the Scream/R is your best bet. ORRRRR..........if you can get your hands on one, a Slay/R drilled for length. That ball has the biggest backend on dry more so then any ball I've seen.
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!


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Yea but then again, he said the backends are flying. And the Scream/R, BEING a light oil ball, would be perfect for this.
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!

Walking E

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If you want to stick with Brunswick, go find a urethane Rhino or Phantom. If the back ends are really screaming that much, you'll still get great carry from either of these balls, plus you'll have a more controllable shot.
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!

Ric Clint

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Thanks to everybody so far!!!

It sounds like the majority are saying... ScreamR.

Pss... I think some of the others may want to go with other balls that are NOT strong on the backend... but what I'm looking for is MASSIVE strong backend!

I was already using one of the strongest backending PARTICLE balls (the REV) in the last 2 years and having great success... but sometimes it would roll out from the oil being shorter and the backedns being so clean strong. So what I'm wanting is a ball that has THAT strong of a backend snap/continuation so that I can move even deeper on the lane and get the ball back.

I think most of you are saying that the BRUSIER rolls a little to early, so that ball may be out of the picture!

But wouldn't the Red Fuze and ScreamR roll early too? Since both have a lower RG? But when I think about it... I was recently told that eventhough the ScreamR is a lower RG ball that it still gets length because it also has a lower RG Differential which helps it get through the heads cleaner because it has lower flare in the heads.

So I guess it's now to the RED FUZE and SCREAMR... I can get a good deal on these 2 balls. So these are my choices for the time being.


Ric Clint

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I'm looking for a Red Fuze as well. Where can you get a good deal on them?

One of the pro shops in my area.

Ric Clint

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Which would be where? None of the pro shops I visited has them.


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Ric, I think you have to analyze exactly what it is you are looking for.  You're bowling on a good amount of head oil and midlane oil, but its short, meaning to me the backends are crazy strong.  I've had the most success on this type of pattern (short house patterns, or even PBA pattern E) by using a stronger ball with a weaker layout, then adjusting the surface to meet your backend needs.  If it were me bowling, I drill the Red Fuze something like a 5x5, and slighty take some of the polish off.  The 5x5 keeps it from burning up in the heads, the ball dynamics and slight surface help it read the midlanes, and the surface allows it to burn up on the flying backends.  Remember "roll out" is not always a bad thing.  If the oil is as short as you say, rollout is actually quite desirable, imo.  I think if you go with something like the screamR, you're going to get torched with over/under problems.  I personally stay away from flippy balls on short patterns and screaming backends, its just too erratic.  Now, if you didnt have the head oil, the ScreamR might be a better choice as the lack of head oil will keep it reading the lane a little sooner rather than going 45 feet then dead left.  So, after this giant long novel post, my vote is     Red Fuze, 5x5, slight surface.  Stay inside in the oil, let the ball read the mids, let the dry backends give you the massive move you want, not the ball.  Hope this helps.

Next Level PS

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Wells, how about a 2" layout with the MB in the track area.

"I'm Rick James B!&$h!!!
Next Level Proshop
Union, NJ


Ric Clint

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I understand what some of you guys are saying about "rollout" and how it can be a good thing... but what I mean is that sometimes every 4-5 balls, it would roll out TOO MUCH at the breakpoint and I would leave a bucket... or a 2,4,5... or a 2,4,8... because I wasn't getting ENOUGH backend reacion frm my Reactio REV... so then I would move right a little bit, and then go high on the head pin or through the nose. So I really couldn't win for losing

So that's why I think what I need is a pearl reactive that really has some backend to actually come back from inside lines when being swung out.

So basically what I SHOULD HAVE asked is... between the Red Fuze and ScreamR, which has the most backend snap and continuaion?

Edited on 7/11/2004 3:58 AM


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I'd like to offer a few thoughts on this interesting subject:

* Both the Rev and the Thrash are, as far as I recall, particle balls. I have read many times that many particle balls will just allow themselves to be modified just so far, with regards to applying polish. They will skid just so far, then, so to speak, the particles take over and they grab the lanes.

* Usually a pearl resin is the kind of ball you want to play inside on short oil. A polished solid like the Bruiser can also work, depending on all the factors invovled: how and where it is dry, bowler's hand and release, and how the ball is drilled. The Bruiser is not a big flip ball, but usually more of an even arcing type of ball and it is a solid.

* (No insult intended here, just some honest facts: ) 655-690 are quite wonderful scores that most of us would be satisfied with, if we were executing with normal accuracy and release consistency. "Normal" for most people is not hitting our exact target all the time nor using the exact same timing and release, solely because most of us are not pros.

* If your ball is rolling out only a few times during the night, maybe your execution consistency "only" warrants 655 - 690 (again, VERY good scores!!). Maybe, just maybe, using a pearl resin like the Fuze or the ScreamR might show up different execution mistakes and you'd still be in that 655-690 range for different reasons.

* The ScreamR is for drier lanes than the Fuze, as far as I recall, as it has a stronger coverstock and a stronger high flaring core than the ScreamR. The Fuze being stronger, might still roll-out at times, if not drilled correctly, as compared to the ScreamR, again, as far as I recall. Both are resin pearls. Check their respective specifications and reviews here at ballreviews or elsewhere.

* If you decide on one of these, the drilling will depend on just how dry it is. Example: at one dryness level, the Fuze might need a 5x5 and the ScreamR, with its natural length (as compared to the Fuze) might need a 4x4 or a 3.5 x 3, or some such. Maybe for your release, yo umight need the Fuze with the pin above the ring finger somewhere, say at 4.5" or 5" and the CG kicked out to 2.5" or 3" from the PAP, depending on the dryness and how deep you want or need to play.

This is a very intersting scenario to conquer. I wish you good luck and would love to hear how it plays out for you and which choice you made.

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 7/11/2004 8:39 AM
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