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Author Topic: Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?  (Read 7608 times)


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Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?
« on: February 27, 2023, 03:31:12 AM »
Just out of curiosity - why is there no post/thread for reviews for Brunswick's Rhino? Someone else mentioned in earlier posts that there were not many reviews, and apparently they cannot be posted as there's no entry for the ball in the respective list?
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany



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Re: Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2023, 12:40:33 AM »
Most entry level balls are like that, minus the stuff from Roto Grip as that stuff hooks much more than it’s price point, where as only beginner bowlers really get them/most people won’t see conditions where they’d actually be usable, in a sport environment at least, means there’s no real reason to do a ball review.


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Re: Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2023, 02:37:52 AM »
Totally disagree.
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2023, 05:39:42 AM »
You may totally disagree, but the truth is keegan was right. The vast majority of league/tournament bowlers do not care about the Rhino or any entry level ball.

At my pro shop, do you want to know how many Rhinos or Twists or Tropical Storms or even Hustles I have sold so far this season to an adult league bowler?


Every one I have sold has been to a beginner bowler just looking to get a ball rather than pick up a rack ball or a junior league bowler.

I am not stating this is correct and the way it should be, but this is the way it is. League bowlers want the new biggest hooking ball or the ball that will hit like a truck or the ball that will turn the corner on a dime.


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Re: Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2023, 12:25:01 PM »
Anyone can add a review for the ball on this site if they choose even with out the specific ball listing being available.

That goes for the Twist, Rhino, Tropical, Beast, or any other low end ball. If it isn't on here no one cared enough to make a review.

If you are going to do a review for the ball then post it under Brunswick like this post.
Ignite your game, and set the lanes on fire.  or @ignite_bowling


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Re: Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2023, 01:01:02 PM »
All good analysis here; If I were you, another way to get the obvious conclusions on balls, is to go to YouTube, and get various’  accounts of said ball.  a sure way to analyze said ball.  Just my .002 cents.


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Re: Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2023, 03:08:48 PM »
Not sure if it’s related, but noticed several popular balls like the Storm Fate and Brunswick Defender Hybrid only have a couple reviews which are all recent and says balls were added early February when in fact they were released last year. Possibly something happened with the site that caused data loss.
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Re: Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2023, 04:03:12 AM »
Thanks, gentlebeings, for the input/feedback. I see the lack of product thread from a (potentia) buyer's point of view. That a certain ball is not sold in a pro shop does not say anything about its performance. And I hear a typical ignornace between the lines that "beginner balls" are not worth to be put into a "professional" bag and therefore can be ignored. IMHO a misconception, also driven by the fact that "better" balls might have a bigger sale margin and are therefore more actively marketed.
If there is no official review, noone will post one, and noone else will find this information - it's poor service and, in the end, misinformation.
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2023, 11:21:41 AM »
Thanks, gentlebeings, for the input/feedback. I see the lack of product thread from a (potentia) buyer's point of view. That a certain ball is not sold in a pro shop does not say anything about its performance. And I hear a typical ignornace between the lines that "beginner balls" are not worth to be put into a "professional" bag and therefore can be ignored. IMHO a misconception, also driven by the fact that "better" balls might have a bigger sale margin and are therefore more actively marketed.
If there is no official review, noone will post one, and noone else will find this information - it's poor service and, in the end, misinformation.

This isnt a customer service website so Im not sure what you were expecting. You are still able to post a review of the ball and others if you choose. Since you haven't we can assume it is beneath you or not worth your time to do as much?

In the end you have done nothing to help in the sales of less expensive equipment on this website for various manufactures. Be better, not bitter.
Ignite your game, and set the lanes on fire.  or @ignite_bowling


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Re: Why are there no reviews for the Rhino?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2023, 01:33:54 PM »
All good analysis here; If I were you, another way to get the obvious conclusions on balls, is to go to YouTube, and get various’  accounts of said ball.  a sure way to analyze said ball.  Just my .002 cents.

Yep.  In fact JR Pro Shop does a comparison between 3 lower end balls on their YT channel.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
Former Classic Products Assistant Manager