Hah, hex, you make me laugh. Raise the prices. You honestly think Joe bowler would pay 50 bucks more so 115 people can keep their jobs? I don't want to sound like a prick, but I really doubt that, you seem to have WAY too much faith in people. I mean geez, look at how people jump at coupons to save them 10 or 20 cents. Let's face it, people look after themselves first when it comes to money. Us on this site are a completely different breed from all the other bowlers/people. I know I sound crazy, like I'm supporting their decision, which I most certainly do not, but I just can't believe how much of an over reaction there is. I had no idea none of you realized that as a whole, humanity is insanely selfish and worried about themselves. This is merely another example. I know I sound so negative and pessimistic, but let's face it. Business IS about money. You know WHY we even have money? It's because people are too selfish, that there is NO way they would build a house, car or whatever for somebody, unless they are getting something from it. That's how the world works, sadly.
But, there is still time. Maybe if you get the signatures of the tens of thousands of people who use brunswick, to say that they'll pay an extra 40 bucks per ball to keep the factory here, they might listen.
- Andy
Brunswick...........'nuff said.