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Author Topic: why Brunswick.... why  (Read 30138 times)


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why Brunswick.... why
« on: June 16, 2005, 10:46:43 AM »
I really like the fact that bowling balls are made in the USA... but, Brunswick, who has a plant near me (Muskegon, Michigan) is moving a ball making plant to Mexico...

any reason  besides its cheaper behind the move?
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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2005, 09:21:30 PM »
The thing is people do they really care if you stop using your favorite balls because of this? NO! They are getting cheaper prices and people are still going to buy the new equipment. It is all comes down to money.
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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2005, 09:26:30 PM »
Oh and I don't want to sound rude here, and I definitely do NOT condone what Brunswick is doing, I hate to break it to you all, but you guys are naive if you think  businesses aren't all about the money.  If all the companies TRULY cared about their consumer, they would sell the balls to us at strictly the expense of the ball's manufacturing.  The fact is, it IS all about the money, and this is true is ANY business.

Like I said before, the whole boycotting thing is just stupid.  Not to mention hypocritical.  I demand that right now, whoever decides to boycott Brunswick for this, you MUST boycott ANYTHING that is not made in the united states.  If you don't, you're very hypocritical and don't have your priorities straight.  Afterall, I don't see the huge movement to stop Walmart and virtually every other massive store which use not only foreign labor, but likely child labor?

Don't take it as if I'm condemning you for being angry, you should be, but boycotting a company like Brunswick wouldn't achieve crap.  Especially some of you whose bowling might suffer too.

But I feel bad for the 115 people who will be losing their jobs.  Hopefully they'll find good jobs, since they at least have a year before they're done.
- Andy

Brunswick...........'nuff said.

Edited on 6/16/2005 9:32 PM

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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2005, 09:30:04 PM »
Could this be the fall of the "NATION"?....In this world You get what You pay for....Cheap labor means less quality Products...Ask Linds Shoes what happened when they tried it.....Labor must really be cheap for Brunswick to save 7 million dollars because I know their shipping costs have to increase....All Nations Rise & Fall & the Fall usually comes from within the Nation....This is Sad news for the "NATION"


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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2005, 09:37:39 PM »
Building a plant from scratch has its advantages,

Like multi-color particle balls that every other manufacturer has had for a long, long time.  



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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2005, 09:38:01 PM »
Andy...there is a big difference between "bowling balls" and "everything not made in the U.S." We are not talking plastic spoons here...

I realize that tons of things are not made in the U.S. but being bowlers we are picky and demand a true customer service, by moving the plant out of the country well....I see some major loyality in that. Personally I hope this hurts Brunswick, it's just plain stupid. If they are worried about losing money so badly why not raise the prices of equipment(not just balls, lanes, score machines, etc. etc.) I mean come on people are willing to pay the prices of Lane 1 I'm sure it would work with Brunswick...(considering Brunswick makes Lane 1's coverstocks for crying out loud)

Everyone has an opinion but I think it's clear's all about the money.
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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2005, 09:45:23 PM »
Hah, hex, you make me laugh.  Raise the prices.  You honestly think Joe bowler would pay 50 bucks more so 115 people can keep their jobs?   I don't want to sound like a prick, but I really doubt that, you seem to have WAY too much faith in people.  I mean geez, look at how people jump at coupons to save them 10 or 20 cents.  Let's face it, people look after themselves first when it comes to money.  Us on this site are a completely different breed from all the other bowlers/people.  I know I sound crazy, like I'm supporting their decision, which I most certainly do not, but I just can't believe how much of an over reaction there is.  I had no idea none of you realized that as a whole, humanity is insanely selfish and worried about themselves.  This is merely another example.  I know I sound so negative and pessimistic, but let's face it.  Business IS about money.  You know WHY we even have money?  It's because people are too selfish, that there is NO way they would build a house, car or whatever for somebody, unless they are getting something from it.  That's how the world works, sadly.

But, there is still time.  Maybe if you get the signatures of the tens of thousands of people who use brunswick, to say that they'll pay an extra 40 bucks per ball to keep the factory here, they might listen.
- Andy

Brunswick...........'nuff said.


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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2005, 09:48:00 PM »
will the nation get a cool talking dog to represent them?

I dont like the idea that they are cutting more jobs over here in Michigan, i dont think many Muskegon bowlers will be buying brunswick for a while...
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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2005, 09:50:03 PM »
But, forget all that.  Before you make assumptions, here is my stand.  Am I sad that Brunswick is doing this?  Very much so.  Would I be willing to pay extra to keep the factory here?  Well that depends on just how much, but if it's reasonable then yes.  Do I think it's right to boycott them?  No, it won't help anyone on any fronts.  Is it all about the money?  Of course it is.  That's what business is.  But does this happen everywhere in business and for some reason people are overreacting here?  Yes to the first, and partially to the second.  Overreaction to say "boycott them, I wish them the worst", but right to say "they shouldn't do that, it's not right".

There is my stand.
- Andy

Brunswick...........'nuff said.


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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2005, 09:52:03 PM »
We are talking about a bowling company...not corporate America. You're right business is all about money and savings and getting rich fast(etc. etc.) I guess I was just expecting more out of the "nation" from all the praise and "members" I see on this site. Guess my own ignorance got me on that one.

And yes I actually would expect people to pay more for Brunswick equipment if it is as great as it's claimed to be. I guess I'm overeacting but todays not been a fun day and to see this is pretty bad.

PS: Did not mean to call you out in anyway Andy(even though I did, go me contradicting myself) just wasn't expecting the "well it all comes down to money and everyone else would do it to you know it" excuse...
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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2005, 09:53:53 PM »
But, there is still time.  Maybe if you get the signatures of the tens of thousands of people who use brunswick, to say that they'll pay an extra 40 bucks per ball to keep the factory here, they might listen.

I think if $40 wasn't that big of a deal, then why was there such a demand for "Mid-price" equipment on the market...? Oh Yeah! I'll tell you why...cause half of the bowling population wants High-End equipment AT A LOWER PRICE!!!!!!! Wait, lemme say this again...LOWER PRICE!!!!!! And now, Brunswick has done something to help with this and people are "going to pay more?" C'mon Hex...don't make yourself look stupid, cause I can tell you're not...

Big Willy Style

PS...I will still be throwing my Bionic Zone 1 and now I am pulling out my Swamp Monster for my sport league (heard they were flooded tonight).
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2005, 10:10:21 PM »
BigWillyStyle you're very right we all want cheaper prices(I mean that makes sense, right?)

I'm just saying...I figured a price raise would not be insane because I mean Brunswick makes such great equipment right?(not being a's just every company claims there greatness)

I guess I would never make it in the business world but I know for a fact that moving jobs out of the U.S. makes no one happy.(except brunswick and the mexican workers) Isn't there some kind of claim to the customer for quality? I mean look at the Budweiser commercials, I think it's bedweiser anyway, they are using the fact that there beer IS American made to sell. I see more of trying to give back to the customer. I guess that really doesn't work in the business anymore, the millions of dollars can obviously be used for better products or w/e.

Well sure thats great more money for Brunswick to make you better balls or whatnot...unless you're one of the few hundred who got screwed out of a job at the michigan plant.

I guess I should stop expecting and assuming eh? O well I don't plan to be a business hotshot anyway. Well I'm done, too much typing for one topic
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Mike Austin

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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2005, 10:16:10 PM »
From what I have been told in the past, Michigan is a strong union state, and labor wages are higher there than many states.  There are people that have been working at Brunswick for many years making $20-$30-$40 an hour.  Probably plus benefits.  That is alot of money for an assembly line worker, and it is not very high tech, not like it's TV's or cars.

I wish they wouldn't do it though, I think the quality will go down, and bowling balls are one of the things that the USA manufactures the most of.  I don't see too many foreign made balls coming over here.  Some plastic stuff by Storm and Ebonite, but even then, Storm had quality issues with their plastic balls made in China a few years ago.

Ultimately, it is about making money.  If they can save some millions, then that is more profit......

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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2005, 10:21:14 PM »
i have a question here... if only 1 company is moving and i think the others are staying... for now... how can you tell if you got a mexican ball or a USA ball and would there be a possible price difference???
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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #29 on: June 16, 2005, 10:25:57 PM »
i have a question here... if only 1 company is moving and i think the others are staying... for now... how can you tell if you got a mexican ball or a USA ball and would there be a possible price difference???
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Well bighook, unless they try to lie about it, considering all their stuff now says "Made in USA" on it, I'd assume some would say "Made in Mexico".......

And I doubt there would be a price difference, because then everyone would buy the cheaper balls and the ones making the expensive balls would have to close down and it'd be a snowball effect.
- Andy

Brunswick...........'nuff said.


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Re: why Brunswick.... why
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2005, 10:26:43 PM »
err...I lied I have a question, is this move going to lower the prices on some brunswick equipment or is it just saving them money? Maybe somebody like Rich might know...if anyone does.
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