The movement of industry out of the United States is not a new thing, and it is seen as something that is good for the world economy; however, the less we as a country produce the worse it is for us as citizens of the U.S.A.. Industry is the primary job source. Healthy Industry is the support of a decent income. Economic health is the ability to purchase.
Minimum wage is not enough.
We, as a country, now buy 40% of all products exported from China. China loans us the money to purchase their products at this level. We are the largest consumers of products from every country - and we produce the least. We do not produce a television, a DVD player, tennis shoes, nor any common household appliance. We do produce cars and tires. Higher fuel prices and the trend toward purchasing cars that that are able to give 50 miles per gallon is killing the American auto sales/manufacturing industry. NAFTA - the "lets level the playing field" treaty, that passed under Bill Clinton, may not have been the beginning of the flight of American business to foreign soil, but, it marks a time in my thought. There was a time before NAFTA.
It seems to me that our democratic federal system is not forcing, but, it is encouraging a relocation of industry to foreign soil. If is isn't possible to make a profit where you are, you have a choice - shut down, or move.