All urethane based bowling balls can crack. Which everything, except polyester bowling balls are.
What happens is that urethane never completely cures. It is constantly curing or shrinking. But the core materials are more stable and doesn't shrink. So while the cover is constantly shrinking, the core remains the same size. So wherever there is a stress point, (i.e. pin, finger holes, extra hole), the ball has the possibility to crack.
While the weather extremes has a lot to do with a ball cracking, a ball that is kept in a fairly controlled atmosphere can still crack.
What I have found, the more you use a ball, the less possibility of cracking from cover curing a ball will be.
Other than putting a ball through the weather extremes, letting a drilled ball sit on a shelf, or in the bag is the worst thing you can do.
So that means you need to get out and bowl more to keep the covers pliable.
I will say that working for a VERY LARGE distributor, I see all companies tendancies with cracking. Brunswick based coverstocks seem to be the most durable. Especially any of the Activator based coverstocks.
Larry Verble
Edited on 6/1/2008 6:56 AM
Edited on 6/1/2008 6:56 AM
Edited on 6/1/2008 6:59 AM