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Author Topic: Wicked Siege Review  (Read 1188 times)


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Wicked Siege Review
« on: December 12, 2010, 08:06:47 AM »
First I need to thank BrunsNick and Brunswick Corp. for being selected one of the few that was able to receive a Wicked prior to release date and get it punched up.

Second...I asked my area Big B rep, Jason Guest, on a suggested layout based on my game...he suggested pin below the ring, with cg kicked enough to be able to put a weight hole down the val...which is exactly what I did.

Third...I have obviously had this ball for quite some time, but I wanted to be able to play with cover prep and be able to use it on different surfaces and volumes to get the best read...which is why this review is later than most of the other BrunsNick contest winners.

Out of the box...I absolutely loved this ball, had 3 sets over 720 in 3 different centers, and on varying levels of volume and pattern shape. The ball made a really hard (but controlled) move off the spot and I don't remember a ball that carried quite this keeps the pins really low on flush hits and sends them scattering on light hits. I really didn't think I should change the cover, but I did...

1000 Siaair...I started with this surface because I was at a house that was going to have a little more volume and wanted the ball to read the mids. It did read the mids well, and while it did what I wanted it too, the hitting power seemed to be lacking with this surface...but that could also be a product of the environment I was bowling on...

2000 Siaair...For me, this reacted almost identical to the box finish, which doesn't make sense to me, but it is what it is. I have left it at this surface...still reads that pattern really well, and gives me a benchmark type ball...this is the first one out of the bag...and it usually stays out of the bag!!!

Thanks again BrunsNick, Brunswick Corporation, and Jason Guest!!!

Big B...."Don't call it a comeback!"
Daron Hansen
aka Big Daddy D


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Re: Wicked Siege Review
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 06:55:27 PM » just a little video of me practicing with the Wicked Seige