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Author Topic: Wild out of box!  (Read 4028 times)

Burak Natal

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Wild out of box!
« on: January 29, 2009, 10:58:58 PM »
Previous night I had a chance to drill my Wild Ride. I was too tired and I just wanted to roll some to check if I installed my exactacated thumb with correct oval angle. Just put my shoes on and..

Then, shot 300, starting from the very first toss with Wild Ride!

It was medium THS, slightly broken down. Drilling is 45*x5x65*, no whole, box surface. Played deep inside around 17-18 board at the arrows, breakpoint was around anywhere between 5 to 9 .Reaction was VERY clean through the heads and very continuous down the lane.

It's too early to make a review, especially after bowling only one game on such an easy condition, however this ball made a very nice surprise to me

Just wanted to share..

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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2009, 07:17:25 AM »
I'm not surprised at all. Some are coming with slightly more shine on them, but that's easily adjusted with a gold scotch brite or some abralon. I'm still amazed at this ball.

Great job on the 300! I happened to do that with my Destruction 1st game out of the box. It's kinda' fun.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

Edited on 1/30/2009 8:18 AM

Edited on 1/31/2009 9:54 AM

Burak Natal

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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2009, 07:26:40 AM »
Yes, Lane, it was a real fun.

One side note, flare seperation was to tight, but I didn't dare to think about messing with it when I was making strikes

I'll test it on some other and real shots, then I'll see what to do both with surface and xhole..

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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2009, 10:17:42 PM »
Glad you are having luck with the Wild Ride. So far it has been the worst purchase I have ever made. I expected this ball to outhook my New Breed Pearl, this is not the case at all. My wild ride is drilled pin over ring, cg kicked out to the right with a small weight hole. The ball just skates and skates and skates. I thought at first it was just to oily for the ball, but I pulled my New Breed Pearl out (drilled pin over bridge), and it was night and day with the recovery and carry from these two balls. I will try to knock a little surface off and see what happens, right now I am not seeing the backend that I see on the videos. I have plenty of revolutions and as it stands right now, the New Breed Pearl is 4 boards stronger then the Wild Ride.


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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2009, 08:17:52 AM »
I understand why people are having a hard time with this ball. They just don't pay enough attention. I see and hear alot of people complain about there wild ride going too long and not hooking very much. Yet those same people are putting weak drillings on it. If you dont look at the numbers, or have an idea of what you want the ball to do and drill it accordingly, or know what the ball is capable of doing and not doing, then stop bashing and complaining and move on.

"USBC is concerned that technology has overtaken player skill in determining success in the sport of bowling"

Edited on 1/31/2009 9:18 AM

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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2009, 08:46:37 AM »
I would agree that stronger layouts will help most bowlers. Mine is 4" from PAP and below the fingers. It's the strongest pearl I've ever thrown.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2009, 09:20:21 AM »

I am not complaining, I am just stating the facts. And pin over ring is not a weak drilling at all, if the ball is so strong, then why does it require such a strong drilling. Its not a big deal anyway, if it doesn't work somebody else will buy it, theres plenty of people on here that want the newest thing out, I have a right to state my findings don't I?


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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2009, 09:29:05 AM »
tizzle what is the distance pin to PAP on your WR?


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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2009, 10:34:22 AM »

It's the core. This is not a low RG core that revs up as easily as most. The cover can also contribute if it's too shiny, so take it down to 2000 and then try it. This should help the ball read earlier.

By the way, pin above fingers drillings are going to get you more length, and typically be more angular after it finds friction. However, with the medium RG core already helping it get down the lane yours may not be finding friction soon enough. Adjust the surface to 2000 and I suspect you will get much closer.

Every ball with this core (Twisted Fury(s), Destruction, Wild Ride) should be layed out 1/2" closer to leverage than probably any other ball you've got. On Brunswick's Twisted Fury video it makes that recommendation, but too many guys ignored it and so their Twisted Fury was going too long.

Even though this cover can handle more oil, it's still the same core. Let me know if I can be of further help.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff


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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2009, 10:40:59 AM »
ok that makes sense, I will take it down and see what happens.


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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2009, 10:49:43 AM »
Still wondering what the pin to PAP distance is?????  I suspect to far away and to weak.  Just a guess.



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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2009, 11:08:07 AM »

I am not complaining, I am just stating the facts. And pin over ring is not a weak drilling at all, if the ball is so strong, then why does it require such a strong drilling. Its not a big deal anyway, if it doesn't work somebody else will buy it, theres plenty of people on here that want the newest thing out, I have a right to state my findings don't I?

I wasn't talking about you. I was just making a general statement. Didn't mean to offend or anything.

Mine is 65x35x5" IMO 5" pin to pap would be considered weaker. Especially on a ball with a low diff that doesn't flare alot.
"USBC is concerned that technology has overtaken player skill in determining success in the sport of bowling"

Burak Natal

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Re: Wild out of box!
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2009, 04:10:34 PM »
It's the core. This is not a low RG core that revs up as easily as most. The cover can also contribute if it's too shiny, so take it down to 2000 and then try it. This should help the ball read earlier.

By the way, pin above fingers drillings are going to get you more length, and typically be more angular after it finds friction. However, with the medium RG core already helping it get down the lane yours may not be finding friction soon enough. Adjust the surface to 2000 and I suspect you will get much closer.

Every ball with this core (Twisted Fury(s), Destruction, Wild Ride) should be layed out 1/2" closer to leverage than probably any other ball you've got. On Brunswick's Twisted Fury video it makes that recommendation, but too many guys ignored it and so their Twisted Fury was going too long.

yes yes and yes!

I'd prefer lower pin rather than higher pins. Drill it strong, lower pin with strong MB angle. This core is a dream for rev dominant players. However, it can be a nightmare if drilled weak for an average handed, especially if played away from friction.

I've been testing my Wild Ride on some other shots, comparing side by side with:

Original Inferno (Snake Oil over 500 Abralon, 4-1/2 from PAP, pin even, no hole)
Absolute Inferno,(Snake Oil over 500 Abralon, 5-1/2 from PAP, high pin, no hole)
TFP (Snake Oil over 500 Abralon, 5-1/2X45X65, no hole)
Ultimate Inferno. (Snake Oil over 500 Abralon, 5-1/2 from PAP, high pin, strong hole)

All balls are relatively new and oil extracted and surface prepared couple of days ago.

Wild Ride is very close to my Absolute, being more responsive to dry with similar length. Original Inferno is good 5 to 8 boards weaker on all patterns I've tested so far. OI is very smooth in comparison to WR. Twisted Fury Pearl is close to OI, but touch cleaner and much sharper down the lane. IMO, Wild Ride is more than a step up from TFP. Ultimate, with current surface preps, is the strongest of all. Earlier and less effected by carry down.

If you feel that your Wild Ride needs too much friction, do not hesitate to try 1000-2000 abralon with this core. You won't regret it!

Hope this helps..

International Track Staffer