Yup, this is just the beginning! I first bought my son, now 11(but making 12 this month) his first ball, a green and blue Tropical Storm and a 1 ball roller bag. This was a year and a half ago. Then he wanted a new ball so I got him an Orbit Extreme Sky Blue for his first 200 game.
Then he was in the Bowler of the Year tournament, which be got 2nd place, but he won a 900 Global Link in a raffle drawing. His league high score is 247, and in a winter family doubles no-tap tournament, he got a 300 game! 8 of those strikes were natural strikes! Oh yeah, he got that with an early Christmas present, a TWISTED FURY SOLID!!!! Now he usually wheels around a 2 ball Roto-Grip roller bag with a joey attached. Now, with his birthday around the corner, I'll give you one guess what be wants.