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Author Topic: Wild Thing Vs Cell Pearl  (Read 2012 times)


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Wild Thing Vs Cell Pearl
« on: July 17, 2009, 03:36:45 PM »
Which will handle more oil and which has more backend?



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Re: Wild Thing Vs Cell Pearl
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2009, 11:11:16 AM »
Then stop looking at them o.0
Big B > *


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Re: Wild Thing Vs Cell Pearl
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2009, 05:05:22 PM »
[quote}Then stop looking at them [/quote]

I kind of have to agree here.  I personally like reading these kinds of posts just to get a variety of "general" opinions on certain balls I'm interested in.  Those that have or have had both balls, and especially if they were drilled the same or close, can offer a very valid opinion, especially if style, speed, lanes, and coverstock prep are mentioned.  It's easy enough to bypass these types of posts if you don't enjoy them.


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Re: Wild Thing Vs Cell Pearl
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2009, 10:47:51 PM »
Buy one of each and let us know.  Really tired of these types of posts.

Just let someone who is "not" tired and has observed these balls answer this. Fair enough?

And why would you be interested to "know" ?????


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Re: Wild Thing Vs Cell Pearl
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2009, 11:02:23 PM »
They are both skid flip balls.  Not really made to handle a lot of oil in the first place.  Think about it.  The original post makes no sense.

In what part of the post does it say an "oiller" is sought??? I am actually worried that the Cell Pearl may be too strong for what I am looking for. Basically just want to compare ball reaction.

If it makes no sense to you then you are in the wrong place: read the name of this site.


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Re: Wild Thing Vs Cell Pearl
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2009, 05:17:00 PM »
Let me see if I can add a bit of info...

I own a Wild Thing and a good friend of mine owns a Cell Pearl.  We bowl together all the time.

I can only speak for the WT, but I can tell you what I see from the CP.  In my opinion, the WT will handle more oil, but the CP is stronger in the backend.  The WT is a more "predictable" as opposed to the CP.  The WT seems less prone to over/under than the CP.  In my opinion, it is feast or famine with the CP.    

Both balls get down the lane with ease, but the CP seems quicker off of the dry than the WT.  I also own a Virtual Energy and the VE is definitely quicker off of the dry than the WT.  I believe the WT can handle a tiny bit more oil than the VE as well, but the VE's backend is a bit stronger.  
I really like both the VE and the WT.  Both compliment my game really well.  But I really have to give it up to Brunswick for their marketing of the WT.  The WT is marketed for quick reaction off of the dry.  And compared to other balls in their line, it may be the quickest.  However, I can personally tell you that the WT is not the quickest reacting ball off of the dry on the market.  The WT is smoother off of the spot than the CP and the VE.  I personally like that, but if you are looking for the "WILD THING" to be violent, don't buy into the hype.  LOL!      

The VE should have been called the real "Wild Thang"!  LOL!            


Edited on 7/20/2009 7:08 PM


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Re: Wild Thing Vs Cell Pearl
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2009, 01:14:56 AM »
Let me see if I can add a bit of info...

I own a Wild Thing and a good friend of mine owns a Cell Pearl.  We bowl together all the time.

I can only speak for the WT, but I can tell you what I see from the CP.  In my opinion, the WT will handle more oil, but the CP is stronger in the backend.  The WT is a more "predictable" as opposed to the CP.  The WT seems less prone to over/under than the CP.  In my opinion, it is feast or famine with the CP.    

Both balls get down the lane with ease, but the CP seems quicker off of the dry than the WT.  I also own a Virtual Energy and the VE is definitely quicker off of the dry than the WT.  I believe the WT can handle a tiny bit more oil than the VE as well, but the VE's backend is a bit stronger.  
I really like both the VE and the WT.  Both compliment my game really well.  But I really have to give it up to Brunswick for their marketing of the WT.  The WT is marketed for quick reaction off of the dry.  And compared to other balls in their line, it may be the quickest.  However, I can personally tell you that the WT is not the quickest reacting ball off of the dry on the market.  The WT is smoother off of the spot than the CP and the VE.  I personally like that, but if you are looking for the "WILD THING" to be violent, don't buy into the hype.  LOL!      

The VE should have been called the real "Wild Thang"!  LOL!            


Really appreciate your helpful reply!!! The WT appears to be exactly what I am looking for: a ball I can use when the Original Cell is too much and I have to play a little deeper. Thought about the Cell Pearl but worried that it might be too "sensitive".

Also special thanks to the nice member who sent me a PM to address my questions "directly". And his observation was identical to yours. So thanks to both of you who appear to be the only 2 that are really "able" to answer my questions.