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Author Topic: Will the punisher be right for me?????  (Read 1128 times)


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Will the punisher be right for me?????
« on: March 04, 2007, 12:36:46 PM »
I am looking into getting a new ball to fit in between my Track Heat and Track Desert Heat. Below is pic of the balls and there layouts. Heat is at 4000 grit and the Desert Heat is at 4000 grit with 2 coats of polish. Do you think that the punisher would fit between these to ball.  If so what layout would you recommend for this ball as well.


Desert Heat:

Thanks in advance for the help


Edited on 3/4/2007 9:34 PM



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Re: Will the punisher be right for me?????
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2007, 05:55:25 PM »
Dude, both of your ball's are drilled Pin down which starts a ball sooner, A Punisher drilled nearly the same as the Dessert heat would render the same reaction if not a little less! Do this instead, go find a Equation 2 and punch it Pin above the bridge, this will give you the added length and will place it between both these ball's!
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Edited on 3/5/2007 8:15 AM

I don't see how the punisher is going to be exactly like my desert heat.  The desert heat isn't going to flare as much since it only has a .020 differential where the Punisher is a .044.  The RGs on both balls are pretty close being that the punisher has a 2.58 and the Desert heat is at 2.57.  Being that the punisher has a little more aggressive core and both are polished reactives I would think that the Punisher would be a little more aggressive then the DH. Even the Equation 2 has fairly close to the punisher with a 2.50 RG and a .040 the ball looks how ever to be a little stronger then my Heat but with a weaker drilling a coverstock change I think I may be able to make it fit.  Anyone else have an opinion on this????

Edited on 3/6/2007 2:01 AM


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Re: Will the punisher be right for me?????
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2007, 01:05:18 AM »
I have both Punisher and Desert Heat.
Punisher is definately above about 4-5 boards.Both drilled relatively the same.
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Wow I didn't realize it was that much stronger.  That kinda makes me wonder if it is going to over lap my Heat.  How do you have your ball drilled.