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Author Topic: Wow. I think my time zone overlaps my too hot  (Read 1774 times)


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Wow. I think my time zone overlaps my too hot
« on: November 01, 2003, 03:29:02 AM »
Well, I have gotten a chance to throw my time zone a bit more, and here is what I have to say.  It is just about the smoothest ball I have ever thrown (on both fresh and burnt shots).

I threw it on friday on a pretty burnt shot.  I was amazed how it held its energy (especially being a solid), and got throw the heads.  It would then proceed to rev and then smoothly arc into the hole.  It even had some recovery from the outside (which my shooter lacks).  But I am most impressed with the hit.  I don't talk about hit often, but this ball definitely surprised me.

My shooter checked up a good 2 or 3 feet earlier than this ball.  And my too hot seemed to go just a hare longer with a hare more snap (though my track has been raise now to where it starts over the thumb, over 1.5" from where it was 2 weeks ago).  I may sand the surface a bit and try to get it to more of a matte finish and try to get it in between may eraser particle and too hot, since I don't really want to get rid of either.



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Re: Wow. I think my time zone overlaps my too hot
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2003, 05:21:25 AM »

And my too hot seemed to go just a hare longer with a hare more snap ...

A quick little bunny you got there.   Very funny thanks.

Don't know how you throw the ball or how you got your TZ and TH drilled, but that is one of the most unexpected comparisons I have heard in a long time. If you could tell us how you have them drilled and on what type of condition you bowled?

It probably should fit between the EPP and the TH and should not be even remotely close to the Too Hot at all.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Wow. I think my time zone overlaps my too hot
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2003, 09:34:47 AM »
Yeah, I was quite surprised myself.  My too hot is drilled straight label with a short pin (~.5"-1").  The Time Zone is drilled a slight modified label with a 2-3" pin and around 3oz of staring top weight.  (pretty much the medium layout on their drill sheet)  the cg is a slight bit right of grip center and the pin is next to the ring finger.  Final Specs around .75 oz of side and .7 oz of finger weight.

I was bowling on a leftover shot that is 39' with flooded heads, and a small OB outside of 7 and not real strong backends(ton of carrydown initially, then it started to burn out after the first hour and a half or so).  Fresh lately I have been playing just about 20 up 10 with my deuce (dulled to 800).  Can't stand anywhere left of 15 with either the TZ or TH.  If I move real deep there is too much oil in the heads for it to catch the dry consistantly.

My style is that of a medium tweener give or take.  I throw 16 or so mph, slightly above normal revs.  Have been working on my game and am currently tracking about .25"-.5" away from my thumb with the first flare ring, except the too hot which decided it wants to track over the thumb now.

On this my deuce and my epp all checked up real early and tried to roll out, my shooter went down the lane about 2 or 3' farther than these, and the TZ and TH about another 2-3 feet (with the too hot mayby drifting just a bit further).  Too hot snapier, TZ smoother, both hit hard and could stand and throw the same way with both.  Surprised the heck out of me, but I think I can make it work


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Re: Wow. I think my time zone overlaps my too hot
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2003, 09:39:15 AM »
I expected we were going to be seeing some posts like this, I'm sure we will see more in the future with the warped zone coming out too.

I was talking with one of the local pro shop owners about a seminar he went to before the release of the TZ. They had 2 TZ's drilled with different PSA locations.

Parker Bohn walked in, recieved his well deserved applause & played "throwbot" for the day. With the same release the 2 balls had COMPLETELY different reactions. I trust PB3's release to be pretty consistant.

Before you give up on your TZ belgarion, please try a redrill with the PSA in a different location.